Applying certain essential oils to the ear canal appears to be an effective treatment for ear infections, findings from a study suggest.
Topical therapy for ear infections is usually not recommended because most drugs are in a liquid form that cannot penetrate the eardrum to reach the infected middle ear. This can also be true of fungal infections that narrow the ear canal due to debris.
However, studies have shown the vapours from essential oils may be able to diffuse through the eardrum and destroy the microbes present and as some essential oils are also anti-fungal then a combination blend seems to offer the best result. Source Journal of Infectious Diseases, June 1 2005
Dear Cheryl, I have suffered from a debilitating ear infection for over two years. Becoming frustrated with frequent antibiotic treatment that was proving to have no effect on it I decided to try some BE Relieved and have not regretted the decision.
I also had a severe Vitamin D deficiency and was in a lot of pain in my joints and bones. I tried BE Relieved and it provided me with immediate relief. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping make my life more comfortable, keep up the stellar work champ. Kind regards, Felicia Vanstone