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Do you suffer from BACK PAIN?

Posted on: December 16th, 2010

Do you suffer from back problems with nerve pain (sciatica)?

Now I know exactly how it feels…

I’ve done a number of silly things over the years – falling off horses, moving heavy furniture and recently lifting a very large rock. For the last couple of months I’ve experienced severe pain in my lower back. But not one to admit defeat I kept going. Eventually I was advised by my chiropractor to have a CT Scan which revealed that I had severe damage to three discs, one of them prolapsed and impacting on a nerve. So if you have a longstanding back issue have it checked out – it could be more serious than you think.

I’m now finally doing the right thing and resting my back as much as possible. I’ve swapped my chair for a physio ball and I’m not lifting anything or even reaching across my desk. Not being able to vacuum and sweep I now give directions to anyone close by (poor them). My Chiropractor has helped me with regular sessions and as he usesBE Relieved and BE Sport I’m always smiling when I leave.

It’s been suggested that I may need my back operated on so I’m experimenting with ways so that I hopefully won’t need to go down that route. But it has taught me the value of BE Relieved as I now use it everyday. I missed one day and paid dearly for it the next by not being able to get out of bed. In cases of severe nerve pain it won’t take away all the pain but it makes it manageable and bearable and for me that means all the difference. Especially if you have to work and other people are depending on you. Cheryl Gilbert


“At the outset I must declare that I am lucky enough to be a personal friend of Cheryl Gilbert’s (volunteers in the Rural Fire Service) but that is not the reason for this unsolicited note of thanks.

Cheryl initially helped me with acute back pain by introducing me to BE Relieved (with a lovely massage) and I was able to straighten up and walk within less than twenty minutes. I have been using it for all sorts of pain ever since. I also regularly use BE Inspired for asthma relief plus BE soaps, body wash and creams.

However, for over ten years I have suffered from an odorous fungal disease in three toes (one big toe more than 70% yellow and crumbly). For this I had tried every medical prescription including very expensive creams, varnishes, pills etc which I really just poured down the drain (literally in one case). Some of these caused significant side effects. When this ‘big toe’ became infected (luckily on a Sunday when I couldn’t seek other medical advice) I asked Cheryl for a treatment and Cheryl administered BE Uplifted. It was immediately effective for the infection and Cheryl advised to continue with it to alleviate the problem. I was skeptical as nothing else had worked but I followed Cheryl’s instructions – BE Uplifted twice a day, the nails will discolour etc. I have been doing this for over six months and the diseased nail has almost grown out. I don’t experience any nausea or topical infections. AND my feet smell great!

Thank you Cheryl, BE has improved my life in many ways!”
Di (name withheld) 
