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Natural Pain Relief

Posted on: October 24th, 2014

From the moment of our birth we deal with the sensation of pain in one form or another.  Pain is an indication of an inflammatory process that alters the condition of any tissue area where it takes place (a problem not solved by mere pain killers).  Even discomfort can be a sign of blocked circulation and a process of degeneration.

Most times, pain can be quickly and easily relieved naturally (without pharmaceutical pain killers) by dealing with the inflammation and encouraging the removal of any (toxic) excess fluids, thereby returning the tissues to the same state that they were in before any tissue injury.

There are two very different causes of pain or tissue injury:

1) Initial injury can be a one-time thing that nevertheless results in damage to previously perfectly healthy tissues or bones, thus causing swelling, an inflammatory reaction, oedema and a condition that if allowed to remain will become degenerative due to blocked irrigation and deficient oxygenation.

When tissues are damaged, they release poisons called histamine and bradykinin. The poisons then dilate the blood capillaries, causing a certain amount of blood proteins and water to escape (from the blood stream) into the tissue spaces. This is the process of swelling or inflammation that results in coagulating extracellular fluids and the morbidity of blocked circulation. This can cause further damage if not resolved immediately.

2) Subsequent injury is the result of swelling, inflammation and residual morbidity. This is the condition of all degenerative disease, because it damages tissues continually. Often, this process progresses so slowly that it is hardly noticeable. This can be prevented and eliminated if we just know what to do. Taking action to reverse the edema, and morbid blockages to the circulation, can speed up the healing process.

Two ways to relieve pain are:

1) Working to reverse the process of inflammation (natural healing arts); and

2) Helping the lymphatic system deal with as many toxins and as much excess fluid (that becomes trapped in the tissue spaces) as possible, because this helps improve the actual condition and permanently reduces any subsequent injury or its cause (natural healing arts).

The blood can no longer irrigate tissues with an abundance of oxygen and nutrients when cells are held in a positive pressure. Only the lymphatic system can vacuum out any trapped blood proteins and excess fluid from around the cells, regardless of its many causes. Trapped plasma constituents and excess fluid often remain after tissue is damaged, and so long as it does, it can be a catalyst of further inflammation and degenerative disease.

One of the ways in which you can increase oxygen to the tissues is with using essential oils as they contain at least 50 times more oxygen than what the plants from which they are extracted.

While essential oils may contain hundreds of different elements, three primary elements common to all oils are hydrogen, carbon and OXYGEN. So each time you inhale essential oils or apply them to your body, you are enriching your body with needed oxygen to purge toxins and fight off disease causing pathogens. Using essential oils on a daily basis can help you in many ways; increasing your resistance to disease by building a better immune system but also helping you deal with inflammation and the subsequent pain that results.

Essential oils have an amazing ability to penetrate and carry nutrients through the cell wall to the cell nucleous. Dr. Radwan Farag, Ph.D., head of the bio- chemistry department at Cairo University, is the man accredited for documenting the oxygenating and antioxidant activity essential oils afford.

When the viscosity of blood is reduced, it’s velosity increases. By increasing its velosity, our blood is able to deliver greater amounts of oxygen to tissues. When essential oils are introduced to the blood stream, they increase circulation, thereby increasing oxygenation.

As the blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells for feeding, it is the oxygenating molecules that penetrate and carry nutrients through the cell wall to the cell nucleous for feeding and oxidation.

As the body grows oxygen deficient, individual cells begin to suffer. Without adequate oxygen, cells become nutritionally starved and become a garbage pit for waste and toxins, Deprived of nutrition, the cell protects itself by thickening its outer wall…making nutrient delivery even more difficult. This in turn causes cell deterioration, which can lead to cell mutation. It is in this state that the body becomes a host for disease causing pathogens.

Due to their high oxygen content, essential oils are natures most effective catalyst and delivery agent for feeding cells. Rich in oxygen, they pass through the thickest cell walls with the greatest of ease (to maintain or begin a restorative process)

This is just one of many ways in which essential oils help us. Because of their vast complexity and human individuality, modern science is just now beginning to realize we have only scratched the surface in understanding how essential oils work and interact within the human body.
The Golden Seven Plus One by Dr. C. Samuel West DN, ND, Chemist & Lymphologist
