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What causes panic attacks and anxiety?

Posted on: July 24th, 2020

A human scientific study from Japan has found significant correlation between panic/anxiety attacks, vitamin B6 and iron levels in the blood.

The study indicates that if you get occasional panic attacks marked by episodes of hyperventilation, you might be encountering the symptoms of a basic supplement inadequacy that is easily corrected.

Panic attacks and hyperventilation attacks are paroxysmal psychiatric events, and the symptoms occur suddenly. Panic attacks are diagnosed by the sufferer experiencing at least four of the following symptoms: Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate. Sweating. Trembling or shaking. Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering.

Numerous other sources have reported on this however many of them have made a critical error, stating that it is simply “B vitamins and iron” that are linked to the disorders – however the researchers tested several types of B vitamin and found B2 and B12 to be unrelated to panic attacks / hyperventilation attacks. It is specifically a lack of vitamin B6 that correlated strongly to the disorder.

However, it is worth noting that B vitamins in general are associated with better mental health. Other symptoms of vitamin B deficiency may include agoraphobia, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and emotional instability.

Serotonin, the brain’s “happiness chemical” is synthesized in the body from its precursor (“building block”) tryptophan, and it is well known that vitamin B6 and iron each play important roles as cofactors in the synthesis of serotonin in the human body. An additional factor includes obtaining tryptophan, an amino acid, from the diet.

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of tryptophan. Other rich tryptophan sources include turkey (responsible for the sleepy feeling after turkey dinner!), grapefruit juice, tuna, eggs, Mozzarella, chia seeds, sesame seeds, pistachios.

Panic attacks are best dealt with by addressing them quickly and changing your diet to include these foods and quality supplements might just help you avoid pharmaceutical intervention.

Essential oils work quickly to help with panic and anxiety, and can be something that gives almost immediate relief whilst you address your diet and supplements. 

“Over the last couple of months I have been having severe panic attacks. I mix BE Calm and BE Relieved in the palm of my hands and massage it over my shoulders, chest and neck and then I cover my nose and mouth and breath the aroma in slowly. I am very pleased to say that by doing this the panic attacks subside quite quickly and all the symptoms disappear. I am very grateful for this as sometimes these attacks are quite terrifying because it feels as though I am going to die or have a heart attack or something because my heart races, I feel tingly in my face and scalp, and sometimes all over depending on the severity of the panic attack, the breathing gets faster etc. The worst time is if these attacks happen when I am out and do not have my oils with me. This is the reason that I want to be able to carry the oils already mixed together in an atomiser or roll-on container. This is also a discreet way of applying the oils while out and about. Cheryl I must tell you that I am eternally grateful to you for making these blends and I will be ever thankful for the day I first spoke with you and discovered their power. Once I was sceptical but not now.” Kathleen H. 

“Literature review and  most of the researches have shown that aromatotherapy causes various actions favorable for patients such as relaxation, reductions in anxiety, depression and fatigue, and improvements in quality of life via nervous, endocrine,  immune, and circulatory systems, therefore could be applied as a complementary therapy for people with anxiety symptoms.”

Fradelos E., Komini A.. The Use of Essential Oils as a Complementary Treatment for Anxiety. American Journal of Nursing Science. Special Issue: Mental Health Care: Aspects, Challenges and Perspectives. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.11648/j.ajns.s.20150401.11

Full study (PDF).

Cheryl Gilbert (Owner/Creator of Balanced Essentials)
