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What is shingles and can it be treated with essential oils?

Posted on: June 16th, 2022

It seems that more and more of my customers are contacting me asking if there is anything that can help with shingles.  And it made me wonder why the incidence of this disease is increasing. 

The following information by Dr Mercola might help explain this.

“Chickenpox and shingles are caused by similar viruses, both belonging to the herpesvirus family. The former is caused by the Varicella zoster virus, which is associated with Herpes zoster, the virus responsible for shingles.

When you get chickenpox and recover from it, the virus can remain dormant in your nerve roots for years. The virus may reawaken through physical or emotional stress and resurface as shingles. Certain medications such as steroids (like prednisone), chemotherapy, and radiation may also set off shingles – whether you are over 50 years old or not.

Chickenpox is a contagious mild disease where small round lesions appear on your skin. These cause intense itching. On the other hand, shingles is characterized inflammation of the nerves and a painful blistering rash. Shingles is not contagious, but it can still infect a person who hasn’t had chickenpox. When this happens, the virus manifests as chickenpox instead of shingles.

The first sign of shingles is unilateral tingling, itching, or stabbing pain on your skin, on one side of your face or body. This is followed by a painful red, blistering skin rash on your skin. The infection runs its course within three to five weeks. Once shingles clears up, patients may experience numbness, skin discoloration, and permanent scars.

However, in people with weakened immune systems, shingles may progress into a more severe condition called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), where pain may last from 30 days to even years after the rash has healed.

After reviewing the information above, it will likely be concluded that contracting and recovering from chickenpox makes you more predisposed to shingles. Surprisingly, it works the other way around. Yet, not many know that recovery leaves you with long-lasting immunity. After getting chickenpox, as you age, contact with those who carry the virus asymptomatically fortifies your natural immunity against the infection and, consequently, shingles.

Unfortunately, the advent of the varicella vaccine has disrupted this natural process and although cases of chickenpox have declined, shingles rates have actually increased.”

There is also a recent study published in that concluded the following: “We could not establish a definite link but there may be a possible association between COVID-19 vaccine and shingles. Large-scale studies may help to understand the cause-effect relationship.”

Therapeutic strategy using essential oils

In managing shingles, it is important to treat the rash with anti-inflammatory, antiviral and analgesic essential oils which help with easing the pain, soothing the irritation, combating the virus and drying the blister.  If large areas are affected use the essential oils in a bath.

Can BE Relieved help with shingles?

BE RELIEVED helps with the itching, pain and inflammation of shingles as it is analgesic and anti-inflammatory.  It also contains anti-viral properties and the essential oils help boost your immune system.  It can also help reduce the redness and lessen the chance of a bacterial infection due to constant scratching.  Apply as often as needed.  You can also add some to a bath to help sooth your body.  Adding some bicarbonate of soda to the bath will also help to soften your skin.

“Aromatherapy essential oils are known for their many healing attributes but I never realised just how effective my blends would be. Thank you for all the thousands of testimonials and feedback over the years that have now become a valuable resource into the many ways aromatherapy heals, i.e. headaches, arthritis, sunburn, irritable bowel, anxiety, cold sores, warts, heel spurs, backache etc. And not to mention all the animal stories.” Cheryl Gilbert
