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BE LITE Firming & Toning Lotion 250mL
BE LITE Firming and Toning Lotion contains natural plant ingredients and Grade 1 pure essential oils with the addition of Fennel oil and Pullulan, which have exceptional firming and toning properties.
Pullulan is used in anti-wrinkle and firming treatments to make your skin firmer and more resilient, particularly in areas which slacken with age. It acts as a barrier to prevent moisture loss without forming a heavy film on the skin.
BE LITE Firming and Toning Lotion is especially beneficial for dry, sensitive skin, wrinkles and stretch marks and is soothing to sun damaged skin.
13 reviews for BE LITE Firming & Toning Lotion 250mL
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Julie Sabourne (verified owner) –
Love love love my oils use be relieved most of the time best buy
Jan Furnivall –
I went to the gym this morning and had 2 fitness instructors comment on how good I smelt. I was wearing BE Sport massage oil and BE Lite Lotion.
Annie Morris –
I love the ‘BE Relieved’ and got my husband into using the above oil. I am heading home and would love to give ‘BE Relieved’ to my aunties overseas as they started to feel the ache/pains in their bodies and legs due to old age. Infact I have the whole collection of almost every bottle but would not go without ‘BE Relieved’ and ‘BE Lite Lotion’.
Helen Kidston –
I came to your product via TVSN – actually via a ‘free gift week’ where BE Relieved was amongest the free gifts provided. At the time the gift arrived I had a bad back – I have had back and neck problems continuously for years (so bad that an osteopath said that by my forties – which I have now reached – I could be close to crippled with it if I wasn’t careful and didn’t reduce stress etc sufficiently) – this particular bad back had just spasmed into being the day before and so I was expecting a good week’s worth of pain and probably a trip or two to the osteo to fix it. Naturally I gave BE Relieved a go, and miraculously, within about ten minutes, the pain was gone! I kept applying the oil at regular intervals over the next day or so, only to find the pain did not return. The speed of recovery was unprecedented in my experience. A new Balanced Essentials convert was born!
After this success I of course purchased more of your range to see how the differing oils would work for me. I now have almost all the various massage oil blends and will not be without them. I have also recommended the oils to friends and given some as gifts that have been much appreciated and which have had dramatic and positive results for those people. I used to be reliant on Mersyndol, Panadol and Naprogesic to deal with different and regular aches and pains. Now I only need to use the latter two if I am away from my home and the oils, and I have not used a Mersyndol for about six months – the time since I first used BE Relieved and found my life transformed so much for the better. I am passionate about the success of your products and that they receive the respect they deserve from so-called traditional medicine circles. I am therefore more than happy to add my voice to that of thousands of others of your loyal BE users. To aid that, perhaps the following summary of my experiences with different oils might be useful in whole or in part for your promotional activities. BE Relieved and BE Sport – these have proven extraordinary pain relievers – far more effective than any medicines or product I had used before. I use BE Sport each morning before exercise and find it not only stops any muscle cramping, spasming or fatigue, but it also seems to have an on-going effect during the day by keeping my muscles flexible and eliminating a daily pain in my neck and shoulders which I had felt resigned to enduring constantly and forever! BE Relieved is lovely to use before bedtime – I sleep better and deeper and any headaches or strains of the day seem to literally melt away with its application.
Friends who have used BE Relieved have reported similar reduction in chronic neck and back pain, arthritis in the fingers and regular and severe headache BE Lite and BE Lite Lotion – well, the slimming effects really work. My exercise program was doing well at reducing my weight and size on my torso but my thighs stubbornly held to their cherished (it seemed) reserves of fat and fluid.. .not so after BE Lite! I found that these stubborn monoliths reduced by an inch in less than a month of applying the oil and lotion daily, and have since agreed to ‘keep up’ with the rest of my body in my weight loss regime.
BE Lite has also dealt instantly and effectively with swelling etc from mosquito bites. BE Vital and BE Sensual – these are lovely for applying to the face and decolletage moisturizers that really smell like heaven. BE Uplifted and BE Calm -I’m at that stage of life where the peri-menopausal stage and/or actual menopause, are lurking just round the corner. Both these oils help with the emotions and sometimes pain associated with that. On those days when my hormones make me cry at the merest hint of sentiment (I joke that I can cry at a Kleenex commercial at such time!) a long bath with BE Uplifted eases the soul better than anything else I know. BE Inspired – in many senses this is my favourite! It helps deepen meditation and calm me down, fixes sinus problems almost instantly – but over and above it all has the most divine smell – I feel revitalized, inspired and light, just by smelling it. The only oil I haven’t really used yet is BE Aware but give me time! You must never, ever go out of production! How would I, or any of your other devoted followers cope???
Congratulations for products of true quality and effectiveness in this increasingly cynical, depersonalized and gimmicky world. I wish you every success in the future – both for your honour in producing such excellent products, and also, selfishly, because your success ensures that I and all other BE users will never find their product stores run dry!
Vicki Martin –
I am sending this testimonial back now, so it can be used if you find a need for it. I am in the middle of compiling separate printed successes I have had with your oils on all of my problems & two great success stories from my kids.
My son & partner have had amazing results from your BE Lite Body Wash (as have I, thank you) plus the oil & firming lotion. I am printing out each oil, for each problem, that it has helped me with (and there has been plenty) you have given me back my life especially with RSD!! I will sign each copy giving you & your wonderful company permission to use to further your cause and good work.
Hoping that more people will be convinced to go with what our body needs NOT what doctors THINK it needs!! Everything I am compiling is the absolute truth and I have probably left some thing out as the problem is no longer there. I haven’t gone through 40 bottles of oils for nothing (over 2yrs)!! Hope it will help.
Kath Boonham –
That would be fine to send me a copy of my comments to sign. I haven’t tried the BE Sport but might give it a try if I unfortunately suffer another one! I really like the smell of the BE Relieved and so tend to opt for that over the BE Sport. I started using the BE Lite a few years ago. You and Cherie had a show where some Select Shoppers got to come in to watch the show and ask you some questions. I was there and asked a couple of questions one about the vapourisers in child care centres and what oil to use. We never ended up getting them – the budget was too tight and since then I have decided to become a full time Mum. Any way, I had been using it for a while before the show and was already seeing results. My husband told me that I must have been to a panel beaters because the hail damage was looking so much better! (He meant it in nice way). Men are so full of compliments!! At that stage I was only putting the oil on once a day on my hips and legs after my morning shower. Since then I have been using the lotion in combination with oil after my shower. I put the lotion into an empty pump bottle so it is easier to dispense. I now also use the BE Lite Body Wash in the shower. So in summary I use the BE Lite Body Wash in the shower. Then once I get out I put the BE Lite oil and BE Lite Lotion on my hips and tummy, and then on each leg and that’s it! I really love my food so instead of dieting I just cut down on my portion sizes for my meals and that has helped. I am just about desperate for some more BE Lite Oil and Lotion
Vicki Martin –
I just need to tell you, that I have found another use for my rsd with one of your products. Rsd breaks out at any given time with an unbearable burning sensation. It feels like hot steam is being blasted onto my foot. I thought it was just me, but checked with the rsd website and found many people are having the same symptom. The BE Lite Firming and Toning Lotion is sheer magic at taking away the horrible burning sensation. I decided to try it when I heard you say on one of the TVSN shows, that it was good for sunburn. My foot cools down within minutes of application.
The reason I am passing this info onto you is because I have posted (told) the rsd website of my success with your product, and in case any rsd sufferers contact you asking what helps with the burning sensation, I just wanted you to be able to answer them and guide them to the BE Lite Firming & Toning Lotion, I am more than happy for you to use me as reference to the help that I have received from all of your products. We are not allowed to endorse any particular website or name a product on the rsd website, so people email me privately and I always give them your web address. (I have already been swamped with rsd sufferers wanting to know what I used to take away the burning sensation, so thought I had better keep you “in the loop” 🙂
Thank you AGAIN Cheers,
Dianne Yazbeck –
Yes’ BE products have changed my life Hi, My name is Dianne I am 40 years old and have 4 children, 16,14, 12 and 1 year old. My fourth child was a complete surprise as we were not planning to have any more children.
The doctors, and I were concerned as I was 38 years old when I fell pregnant and they said, because of my age there was a chance that I may have complications in my pregnancy. I was so upset but decided to keep pregnancy and not do any invasive procedures. Since I had my other children in my twenties with no problems, I was very concerned about how my body would cope, at 38!!. I decided to eat very healthy and use only natural products on my body.
First I started with the BE Lite oil, body wash and lotion. I rubbed on my growing tummy, arms, thighs and buttocks religiously every morning and night, I used body wash in shower and lotion after. My husband rubbed my back with BE Relieved most nights or when I was in pain and I used BE Lite on my ankles (when) they swelled (which was only a few times towards the end). Also I made sure I packed a bottle of BE Relieved in my bag for the labour. Firstly, I had a completely normal pregnancy with no complications at all. I continually got compliments about how I was glowing!!! – I only gained 8kgs through-out the pregnancy and got no stretchmarks what so ever. When I was in labour, BE Relieved was there to help me cope with the pain. When you are older, you don’t cope well with pain as much as when you are younger, I found the BE Relieved on the lower back took the edge off the pain. I had no other pain relief. My beautiful 4.2kg baby girl was born naturally after a 3 hour, straight forward labour, with no stitches.
The most amazing thing was, the way my skin looked after she was born. It was not stretched or flabby at all. It didn’t even look like I’d just given birth. I had NO cellulite on my thighs, arms or bottom (which I did before I was pregnant), in-fact I hadn’t seen my skin look and feel so good ever!! I put it down to the regular use of the BE Lite and Relieved products – they really were amazing in keeping the fluid away and making my skin so soft and firm. I love the BE Lite range and am a living example that they work! I will continue to recommend BE Lite to everyone. Thanks again!!!
Val Johnson –
I had to write and tell you of another wondrous way BE Lite has changed my life. I have those fatty deposits on the back of my hands, knees and inner thighs. These areas had become most unattractive especially my hands that I became uncomfortable showing them in public. I have always massaged BE Lite/Be Lite Lotion into my stomach/abdomen for relief from menopausal symptoms, gall bladder problems and bloating due to an irritable bowel. Wow how BE Lite works wonders in these areas. So when I massaged BE Lite and BE Lite Lotion into my hands I could not believe the results. Within half an hour the change was evident. I now massage my hands with my incredible BE Lite every night while I watch TV. The knees and inner thighs are coming along splendidly too.
Oh Cheryl I have to mention too that Be Lite/BE Lite Lotion is great for keeping my neck in fantastic shape. I am 52 years old and have smoothest silkiest neck I have ever seen on a gal my age. Ha Ha!
Thank you Cheryl for creating such awesome products that smell terrific work miracles and are so affordable.
Jess –
Thanks Cheryl for your reply in regards to my question about the best product for cement irritated hands. The batch of BE Lite Firming & Toning Lotion I ordered did the trick! (I’ve been raving about your products to everyone I know).
Ann Booth –
A belated but sincere thank you for dispatching my order so quickly on 9th July. It was in our post box the following Monday, in plenty of time for Amy’s birthday the following Friday. And thanks also for your advice re using BE Lite Firming & Toning Lotion, after BE Vital etc, to moisturise and protect. I feel my skin glowing, in spite of the cold & wintry conditions we are experiencing, and friends have since noticed!
Sharon Hill –
I would like to try the new formulation of BE Lite Firming & Toning Lotion as I just loved the old formula. It is just so wonderful for firming plus getting rid of extra fluid.
I am so happy you will be on TVSN again as you are so informative and passionate, all products are wonderful.
Janine Bonello –
I have found once you reach your 50’s your body needs more attention. With menopause and changing hormones, bloating, weight issues, fluid retention, hot flushes and skin dryness they all change your life in one way or another. Trying the NEW formulation of the BE Lite Firming & Toning Lotion would be a great starting point to help me with all these changes Mother Nature is sending my way. Who doesn’t want to be more lighter, cooler, smoother, firmer and toned! I know I do.
Remember: Happy wife, happy life.