Weight | 0.26 kg |
Ingredients | Geranium, Ginger, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Macadamia, Orange, Sage, Sweet Almond, Wheatgerm |
Size |

BE LITE for Cellulite and Fluid 100mL
BE LITE provides relief of a number of conditions including mild tissue oedema associated with cellulite and mild fluid retention, symptoms of gout, mild acne, mild eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis and aching tired legs/leg heaviness associated with varicose veins.
BE LITE is detoxifying and diuretic in its actions. It also helps with improving skin strength, elasticity, firmness and hydration. It also assists to help reduce scar tissue and the appearance of skin stretch marks.
BE LITE contains a blend of essential oils of Lavender, Geranium, Sweet Orange, lemon, Lime, Sage, Ginger, Frankincense, Cypress and Juniper in Sweet Almond, Macadamia and Wheatgerm oils.
The Moonstone Quartz crystal bead included in BE LITE helps to disperse and enhance the natural benefits of the ingredients.
90 reviews for BE LITE for Cellulite and Fluid 100mL
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Orders are sent by Australia Post ‘Parcel Post’ and are delivered approximately 5-10 days after purchase.
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Janine Anderson (verified owner) –
I think this , be lite is beautiful, I use it on my arms, legs, predominately., with great results.
I have noticed my skin is softer and firmer and smells wonderful.
I started using be lite 6 months ago, as I wanted something natural to support my skin firmness especially on my upper arms, I had been using a lotion from the chemist, which is quite popular but when reading the ingredients there was so many chemicals in it.
I don’t like putting all these chemicals into my body, as your body absorbs all these nasties.
With Be lite I feel confident that I am not harming my body in any way and will only benefit from the natural ingredients in this lotion.
Thanks Cheryl for this amazing product
Gloria Fardi –
Linda G –
Balanced Essentials is part of my daily life, there are so many stories I could share but this is the most important and the one that started my unconditional love and respect for this truly miraculous product.
I remember many years ago while visiting my parents a package arrived from TVSN. It was ‘these oils” my mum had been talking about, she had seen them on the home shopping channel and thought she would try them to help with the pain she had been experiencing.
Earlier that year my mother had been diagnosed with a terminal cancer called multiple myeloma and it was in this year that I decided to leave my career and care for my mother and hopefully in the process try and help heal the great divide that had come between us. I had just turned twenty-eight and thought I could do this for a year or two. For the next five years I would care for my mum as she went through countless rounds of chemotherapy, a very early and experimental stem cell transplant, different forms of experimental medications including the drug thalidomide and much much more. All of these treatments just buying a little more time but at the huge cost to her physically and emotionally.
“That oil” that arrived in the mail would turn out to be our godsend and a vital part of the healing of not only my mother but also of myself. During my five years as a carer I become pretty good at knowing how to manage different medications, symptoms and side effects. When it came to the Balanced Essentials I was an expert at applying different combinations to help ease both physical and emotional symptoms. We have used all of the Balanced Essentials’ range and they all work on many different levels.
BE Relieved and BE Sport aided with pain relief, nerve numbness and also helped with pre-hospital anxiety and nerves.
BE Lite uplifts the mood almost instantly and my mum would put this on just before a doctors visit or a hospital admission. We would share the magic of these oils with many patients and hospital staff over those five years. It also helped with cramps and circulation problems and veins that had been badly damaged.
BE Aware, BE Calm, and BE Uplifted all do what they say and BE Vital always for the face.
As I massage my mothers body with these special oils our healing of mother and daughter also began we were no longer strangers but women who had come to love, admire and understand each other. Balanced Essentials always with us, aiding us to both heal on such a deep and profound level. Balanced Essentials was the link that helped connect us.
When my mother died in 2005 she was at home surrounded by her family and smelling of her favorite Balanced Essentials, BE Lite and BE Relieved. In life and death Balanced Essentials was part of us.
Recently my eight-year-old niece had said she wished she would have known her Nana. I had shared many stories and photos and now I would share not only her smell but also the healing abilities of Balanced Essentials. So out of my bag I pulled a bottle of BE Lite, yes it travels with me. I massage her legs and her hands as I would do daily for my mum and told her how these oils had been so important to her Nana and to myself. This is the smell of your Nana, this was part of her life and now it is a part of yours. I left the bottle by her bed and felt grateful that a third generation would be linked in this very special way.
Thank you Balanced Essentials and here’s to the Future.
Lyn P –
Dear Cheryl,
After reading in your February/March newsletter about varicose veins, I tried BE Lite oil for my spider veins and found it is working well.
I also have darkness around my ankles, BE Lite is helping to clear this up also.
Thank you for all the information in your newsletter.
Gloria Devlin –
Dear Cheryl,
You and your team have brought a positive touch to so many lives with your amazing healing oil blends My sister is desperately trying to lose weight, therefore I am surprising her with the Complete Detox pack to boost fluid loss from her limbs and body, as I know there is nothing else that truly works as effectively as BE Lite.
Also my son (who was a non-believer of Aromatherapy) is amazed at the difference that BE Relieved and BE Sport has made on his sore muscles after working out with weights.
My young grand-daughter keeps her “magic oils” in a special cupboard near her bed and the first sign of a sting, bite, knee scrape or tummy pain she calls to her mother “My oils, I need my oils”. My favourite is BE Uplifted, the aroma is divine as well as lifting my spirits every day as I help my dear elderly mother to cope with dementia.
BE Confident Deodorant, at last a beautiful product that does not irritate my underarm skin and keeps me smelling nice all day.
Each of your products that I have used over the years has lived up to expectations. I keep spreading the word. Thank you oh so much for Balanced BE Essentials. Lots of love and best wishes to you.
Sarah Jane Horner –
The most amazing ‘alternative’ therapy I have ever experienced. When I first used these 15 years ago, I was skeptical.
The first I used was Be Relieved and it worked. Be Calm helps my insomnia. All the oils are fantastic, topically and the aromatherapy oils. The Be Lite Cream is the best body lotion I have ever used. Can’t wait to stock up.
Kathy Hodge –
I/we use Balanced Essentials every day!!!!
My favourite is BE Lite, but really, I/we love them all and couldn’t live without them. The whole range is awesome.
Thank you Cheryl for creating such an awesome Aromatherapy range :o)
Jan Furnivall –
I went to the gym this morning and had 2 fitness instructors comment on how good I smelt. I was wearing BE Sport massage oil and BE Lite Lotion.
Jan Furnivall –
love your products, particularly BE Lite which I wear all the time. I have found that lately perfumes tend to make me feel headachy, but BE Lite makes me feel uplifted. I have had some clients and staff at work ask who is burning incense, but most love the scent. T
Lindy Winnell –
We love Cheryl’s BE range and use all the products.
‘BE Sport’ & ‘BE Relieved’ have helped my teenage and older sons to relieve basketball injuries. My younger son uses ‘BE Vital’ on his face, it is the only SAFE moisturiser he can tolerate when a dry eczema condition appears on his face. He has just completed year 12 VCE. I love the BE Lite and I love my vapouriser from Cheryl and use it constantly. Thank you for your wonderful products.
Mrs D. Robinson –
BE Calm – without it I wouldn’t get a good night’s sleep. BE Lite Lotion and massage blend – what can I say that hasn’t been said? My arms and stomach have improved tremendously. BE Relieved for my arthritic condition has been another blessing I couldn’t do without…… I thank you once again for your lovely products……
Marisa Montuoro –
You are very welcome to use my comments for your literature or any other mode of advertising. I must say we love your products! I have distributed them through to my family and friends and now they purchase them when they run out. Our favourites are BE Relieved and BE Lite as they provide such wonderful relief to anything that is aching. We do not reach for the Panadol anymore but head straight for the BE Relieved or BE Lite. We also have the BE Calm and the BE Inspired for sinus pain.
They are just wonderful products and best of all – THEY WORK! I also have the soaps as I know that they are much safer and purer than the other ones on sale at the supermarkets (but the only gripe here is that we wish they were a bit cheaper and just a little more affordable, so for the moment they are a bit of a luxury item but would gladly use them exclusively if they were more affordable). Keep up the good work as you are doing a FABULOUS job. Your products are indeed a blessing.
An integral part of my life –
BE Products – especially BE Lite, Relieved, Calm are an integral part of my life – they are just great and the day is not quite the same without them.
Helen Hoffrichter –
I find that I use BE Lite and BE Uplifted more than the other oils. I guess I’m lucky not to have too many aches and pains, but when my wrist or elbow plays up I use BE Sport and BE Relieved and they make a difference almost straight away. I don’t think I could survive without BE Lite. Every morning after a shower I massage it in and straight away I feel ready to face the day. I have never been a ‘morning person’ but after BE Lite I use BE Uplifted on different parts of the body and the morning stress fades away. Just smelling the lovely natural fragrance is a bonus.
We have just come back from a beach holiday with the grand children and when they got a little sunburnt I rubbed in some BE Lite and they were all smiles.
Emma Kidd –
We always have a stock of BE Lite, BE Relieved, BE Sport and BE Calm that we use daily in some way or another. BE Lite is my favourite as a multi purpose “all well” type oil.
I have been unable to shake a flu for about 3 months – but I believe that I would be much worse generally if I was not using BE Lite (the sickness is also caused by circumstances out of my control……..BE Calm works to help me sleep). I do a stressful job and am very sensitive to it – I sometimes put a mixture of BE Calm and BE Relieved on myself before going to work. It doesn’t make me sleepy but keeps my levels of stress at a normal level.
Margaret Rose –
After using BE Relieved, BE Lite & BE Calm for a week my pain has gradually disappeared as long as I keep using it. The oils have a calming effect. I have mercury poisoning and was treated with Vitamin injections for 16 years. As a result I got permanent nerve damage. My doctors said there was no cure for it and I had to learn to live with the pain.
However I am believing that I shall be healed with these oils. My pain is much better and I can recommend this treatment for anyone who has crippling pain.
Catherine Basilicata –
have found all your products of the highest standards in quality and reassurance – I have severe pleuritic pain from severe Bronchiectasis which is a lung disease. I have found your BE Inspired to assist to uplift and less the frequencies to nil hospitalisation. I have also found BE Lite massage oil assist and actually not bring on ovarian cysts; as I was beginning to get them frequently. You‘re not going to believe this I have an IGA deficiencies, which is a blood disease, with a combination of certain products of yours keep me standing. Doctors are amazed of how I look while my blood etc inside should show a weak, run down, pale person even at the age of 34.
Gillian Cibich –
My daughter-in-law purchased the BE Lite Cleanser from the Shopping Channel and gave it to me as I was having problems with my lower legs and ankles. I admit I was cynical but thought if nothing else it would act as a moisturiser.
However, since using the BE Lite the swelling in my ankles has reduced significantly and although I cannot claim it is solely because of using BE Lite, I have to say that it is the only thing I have been doing differently. I do love the BE Calm and am now going to trial the BE Aware after seeing it being demonstrated on TVSN. I didn’t ring the station as I think the program was being repeated when I watched it and the product was selling very quickly and I assumed it would be sold out.
Vicki Martin –
Dear Cheryl, Thank you for helping me with your wonderful oils. I have a condition called R.S.D. (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) and was told I would never walk on my affected foot properly again. There is no ‘Medical’ known cure so I turned to BE Relieved which helped heaps and then under your suggestion I used BE Lite. I am so Happy with the results – I can now walk normally and have NO more pain or swelling. I couldn’t go without BE Relieved or BE Lite as they have also helped with my Arthritis and BE Lite has been wonderful for my cellulite. I have all your oils for different uses. Too many to mention.
Jennine Mayfield –
Firstly thank you for making Balanced Essentials available via TVSN..I am a huge Balanced Essentials fan especially of the big 3 BE Sport BE Relieved BE Lite is my best friend during the female time of the month and I have BE Sport with me in my sports bag for when I play netball. It has been used by my whole team at one time or another and BE Lite well it is just great. Once a month or so I day a day or 2 out to ‘detox’ my body with juicing and BE Lite enhances my detox program immensely and afterwards my skin and body just glows.
Elizabeth Duck –
Thank you for keeping me out of pain from cancer. BE Sport, BE Relieved and BE Lite and all the others I could not live without them. My dog has a bad heart. I have him on them too, he can run around again. I love the Bath Wash. We all use it and we don’t leave home without them.
Patti Ortofino –
A note to say a big Thank You for my BE Lite, which I took to hospital with me recently. As it turned out I was rushed in, as the overgrown thyroid had the momentary possibility of either bursting, or, of shifting slightly within my chest, cutting off my trachea completely. The surgeon told me later, a potentially fatal situation. The op went well, pathology was clear.
However developed a bad chest infection almost immediately, which induced coughing, painful on a surgically affected throat. At first the swelling from below the chin and all around the throat was massive, and above the wound itself was an inner swelling larger than a matchbox and a half. Was on oxygen for 4 days plus nebulisers etc. Painkillers were just given and for about 3 full days it was a nightmare of morphine-induced blurriness and dark pain.
Had a quick glimpse at the throat in a mirror and my skin appeared loose and flaccid, as though I would need a neck lift afterward. Was told to apply nothing to the wound itself of course, however commenced the BE Lite as soon and as often as the drugs and sleepiness would allow, on the neck area from chin to above the wound site and from side to side right across the throat. Cheryl….the flaccid nature of the skin has gone !!!! The other panel of inner swelling, which ran from under the chin down to the wound also reduced in size over a few days. The wound area (internal and external stitches) has shrunk from major matchbox size to almost flat now. (Surgery was 16th August). Cheryl…..I must tell you. I am certain that the condition and elasticity of the skin around my throat was, and continues to be, improved by the BE Lite.
But more important to me was the strangest thing!! The bottle was on my table right near me all the time, and even through the partial consciousness and post-surgical crazy mental states, it was as if there was a tiny little shining light there beside me, offering consolation and warmth. A tiny little lamp in the darkness, held by a tiny little angel. Obviously I had the smell of BE Lite about me, (various nurses admired it) and in my weakness I would have spilled some on my table and my pillows and was getting the aroma that way as well, but I sincerely believe that the aromatherapy found its way past the morphine, past the post-anaesthesia blurriness and past the sense of being buried deep underground and in pain…….and found its way to my rather battered spirit. I believe that the aromatherapy carried many good things to my spirit, including love and warmth…because I know these rare and precious ingredients, love, caring and warmth, are part and parcel of the way you make your products.
Thank you a million times over…..I went through hell…..but was never ever alone, and I was comforted by the glow from that teeny little light and the presence of the loving little angel who held it. Thank you Cheryl
Kate Muir –
Many years ago I smashed my ankle, they rebuilt it, however over the next few years, the cartilage died and I had the ankle fused when I could no longer walk around at work, and had to use an electric cart to get to my staff in different buildings. I spent 3 months in a wheel chair and 2 months learning to walk again. My skeletal and muscle system was in a terrible mess. Over the last 2 and a half years, I have physio’d, pilateed, and massaged my system back to some sort of health.
For the last 2 years of that I have used your oils to help. I use BE Relieved on my back for stiffness and damage done when walking badly. I used BE Lite to get rid of the terrible itchy rash that has come on gone since the surgery and after all sorts of protocols, including a grain free diet, the only thing that has helped is BE Lite twice a day, and my masseuse uses the lotion once a week as she pummels me to bits (masseuses have magic fingers, they can find the really sore spot with no trouble and without looking!!) and now the shower lotion. I use BE Sport on sore muscles from the massage and from walking a bit poorly or whatever. I also suffer from Lupus and Sjogren’s Syndrome, so just have aches and pains as a matter of course.
hanks again for having such a great product, I tell everyone about it. I had a gardener here one day whose back was sore so I rubbed in the BE Relieved. They accused me of witchcraft it worked so quickly and so well.
Michelle Culverson –
I am writing to you to let you know about something that has happened to me since I began using BE Lite. Diagnosed with Hormonal Migraine fifteen years ago and unable to be treated due to an allergy to Migraine drugs, life was interesting to say the least.
The Migraine would arrive approximately every ten days lasting from five to six days each time. I purchased BE Lite for its detoxing effect. Since I began using the product my migraines have been effected. To date I have had 48 days without a migraine (Hooray!) then on day 49 the familiar thumping began but it only lasted for 1 day so the news is still good. Using BE Lite is the only change I’ve made. I believe BE Lite has made the difference between existing and living for me (my family are also enjoying not having to tip toe around a darkened house).
Please feel free to use this letter for comments. You never know there may be other migraine sufferers out there who may benefit from using this wonderful product.
Vicki Martin –
I am sending this testimonial back now, so it can be used if you find a need for it. I am in the middle of compiling separate printed successes I have had with your oils on all of my problems & two great success stories from my kids.
My son & partner have had amazing results from your BE Lite Body Wash (as have I, thank you) plus the oil & firming lotion. I am printing out each oil, for each problem, that it has helped me with (and there has been plenty) you have given me back my life especially with RSD!! I will sign each copy giving you & your wonderful company permission to use to further your cause and good work.
Hoping that more people will be convinced to go with what our body needs NOT what doctors THINK it needs!! Everything I am compiling is the absolute truth and I have probably left some thing out as the problem is no longer there. I haven’t gone through 40 bottles of oils for nothing (over 2yrs)!! Hope it will help.
Kath –
I had to write to you to tell you about my experience with BE Relieved yesterday. I am a regular sufferer of migraines so when I noticed the ‘flashes’ starting up I massaged in some BE Relieved on my neck and forehead. The flashes continued to do their thing, but when they disappeared, I had only the slightest headache where I would normally have a terrible headache and end up taking pandiene forte to get the same outcome. I have also been seeing a chiropractor which helped to sort me out. He said that my spine is so finely tuned with my neck that if any part of my spine goes out then my neck tries to compensate, in turn hindering the circulation of the fluid around my brain!I have been using your products for years now purchasing them through TVSN.
My favourite has to be BE Lite. In the last year I have gone from a size 18 after having my second daughter down to a size 14! At her first birthday everybody was commenting on how much weight I had lost and how good I looked. I tried on a dress that I had worn for my first daughter’s first birthday which was a size 18 and I could just about fit a second person in there with me! I put BE Calm in my daughter’s baths at night time. The BE Sensual I use for a facial moisturiser and I have just finished some BE Confident which took a while to get used to but now works very well. My mother-in-law has been converted and now buys various BE products for friends at birthdays and Christmas.
Chris Lambert –
For the last 6 months I have been applying BE Lite Cleanser, Lotion and Body Wash and have been using them daily. I now wear stretch trousers instead of baggy ones, my rings now fit so the fluid tablets I was taking have got the ‘flick’ and the dermatitis on the palms of my hands, which I used to control with cortisone creams, has now disappeared so you have actually turned me into a believer.
I also use BE Vital and BE Inspired and my husband uses BE Relieved for muscle strain and has given it the thumbs up. I am hoping BE Calm will help soothe my nerves on my next flight. I thank you for your lovely and helpful products.
Jodie-Lee Eastment –
Balanced Essentials would have to be a Miracle potion in a bottle.
As I have Osteoporosis (I’m 35 years old) and my spine is in consistent pain all the time so when I saw you on TVSN I thought I would try it as I’m into all natural remedies and doctors don’t give you anything for pain relief. About 1-2 days of you sending me the sample of BE Relieved I was convinced it would work, the pain eased with 50% that day, I was wrapped in the product.
I gave some to my mum who has Arthritis in her back, hip and knee. She had immediate reaction which is fantastic. Now after talking to you I also use BE Lite and BE Calm which I find extremely effective for fluid retention and bloated belly. I use BE Calm as a moisture oil on my face instead of Clarins oils and the body moisturiser on my face. Also instead of expensive beauty creams and the soap bars are beauty. Also the Perfume oil sample is gorgeous. I just don’t know what I would have done without this. Never go out of business.
Penny Elverd –
Hello I have been using your massage oils for some time now with wonderful results, thank you so much. I bought my mother several packs for Christmas and she is overwhelmed with their effectiveness. She has suffered from cellulitis in her leg for years and has always needed antibiotics to affect any relief, well, her doctor was away and remembering that I had told her Be Lite may help her legs, she massaged some in and within minutes, yes minutes she felt relief and her leg reduced to half its swollen size.
To say she was impressed is an understatement and now is using BE Sport for her knee, BE Relieved for her shoulder and your oils are now the first thing she reaches for. Ok the main reason for this message is to ask if its possible to send your oils to the UK as Mum has been telling her sister how wonderful your oils are and she would very much like to try them.
PS I have to tell you, even my very old-fashioned bush bloke husband loves to have me massage BE Relieved on his arthritic neck, this causes him constant headaches and BE Relieved is the best relief he can find.
Robyn J Hill –
Thank you for delivering my Balanced Essential products so promptly and for your wise advice about the use of the oils near the eye area. I certainly listened to you and thank you for your kind advice. I’m including just a few things that we used the Balanced Essential oils on:-
· Cows, calves and bulls (about 400 head in herd of Hereford cattle) – BE Lavender, BE Relieved, BE Lite, BE Ylang Ylang and BE Lemon.Uses:-
· Mastitis – a fantastic result – with the cows quarters being saved (BE Relieved for the terrible pain, also had veterinary injection, 40ml Alamycin 3 days, BE Lite to move the clots and stimulate circulation and get the cows eating and feeling easier. Quite often cows will lose a quarter – will dry up.
· Horses – any cuts, swellings, splints in legs, colic (BE Calm) – backrubs (after hard work).
Used:- BE Lavender, BE Relieved and BE Calm.
· Dogs – arthritis on back leg joint (used BE Relieved)
· Calf – broken leg (BE Relieved)
· Cow – oedema (BE Ylang Ylang, BE Relieved and BE Calm) Digressing a moment!!
I’ve also had marvellous results with the use of garlic – I chop the bulbs into smallish pieces (increase the surface area) and put water onto them. Fill a large glass jar and let sit for as long as you like. Strain off the pulp before use. I use the garlic water solution to save:
· Cow with uncontrollable scour (vet products didn’t work) last chance I tired drenching with beer bottle of garlic for five days – it worked.
· Calf with pneumonia – quick fix before I could get to the vet – the vet actually said it was great as it would be absorbed straight into the calf’s system. No vet intervention needed – nature had provided the best sulphur treatment.
I personally have found the BE range great for menopause – I have had no mood swings, sleepless nights etc since a routine of BE Lite lotion daily, BE Uplifted in the air of our house. Also the added result of no flu for five years….. it’s the only different thing I’ve done. I use products topically – in vapourizer, in bath. I recently tried BE Aware – wow – another amazing story. I needed to stay on the ball at a meeting concerning my Father’s estate (it’s been a long, stressfull experience – 2 years) and so I put BE Aware on a cotton hanky down my cleavage – all through the two hour meeting I smelt and felt with such clarity – I will not be without this fantastic oil, especially when in a situation of pressure and uncertainty.
I refer to Cheryl’s letter about the future of her company. I hope she keeps the controlling interest as her ethics and caring approach may be compromised if money making entities get control of her company. Big is not necessarily better. I think of Cheryl not only as the owner, creator of BE but as an educator… people need to know the wonderful benefits of using nature’s gifts. Our health system would be a lot healthier if people took responsibility for their own health (mental and physical) and instead of clogging the system with bullshit things they applied to their own devices and healed their own bodies with gentle, environmentally friendly products. The possibilities for this form of healing seems to be endless and all in the comfort of your own home….no visiting doctor waiting rooms etc. The smell of these places make my blood pressure rise – it’s so sterile. As a farmer smell is such an integral part of everyday so that sense is highly developed. BE opens doors – in every sense – mind, body and soul. I would be very happy to invest money in your company if you ever went public because I totally believe it is the way to go….to health and happiness. I hope Balanced Essentials will continue and with Cheryl’s guidance and creativity be a world beater….because in my mind it is now. Well done BE, people do enjoy and appreciate all you do.
Margaret McCarthy –
I have written to you before to tell you how I love and Use ‘BE Lite’, ‘BE Calm’, ‘BE Sensual’, ‘BE Relieved’, but had not used ‘BE Inspired’. I am on blood pressure medication and I listen to all your shows on TVSN. I noticed you had mentioned about ‘BE Inspired’ being good to lower blood pressure so I thought I would give it a go. I had used about 3/4 of the bottle when I had to go back to the Dr’s and he said my blood pressure was still too high.
I was taken aback because with using your oil I had expected my blood pressure to be lower so I rang you and said ‘BE Inspired’ had not worked for me! To lower my blood pressure the Dr suggested I buy a blood pressure monitor to use at home so $150 later I did. I had to take it (BP) 3 times in the morning at 5 min intervals and the same at night for a week then go back to the Dr’s. I was so pleased it was 133/79 to 112/71 which is below normal, going by the graph in the book which came with the Blood Pressure Monitor. As it turns out my BP only rises when I go to the Dr’s as I am a very anxious person.
So I just thought if other people have the same situation it might be worth a second opinion. So Cheryl this letter is to tell you ‘BE Inspired’ is not given all the accolades it deserves. It Really Works. I could not live without it now. It is my new favourite. It also helps with my sinus. Once again Cheryl you have hit the spot.
Warmest regards to a Wonderful Lady,
Annette Cole –
How can I say “thank you” enough? Last night I was in the worst pain that I had ever experienced in my life!! I have an occasional back problem and had been to the Chiropractor a week ago (Friday) and was on the mend, then on Saturday I received my fluvax. I then spent Saturday afternoon vomiting.
On Sunday I was still feeling a tad sick and obviously flat and feeling a bit achy etc so I rested on the lounge. (By the way, I had applied BE Lite for my glands – which is another major life saver as I had my tonsils removed many years ago as an adult and hence whenever I get sick up come the glands and until BE Lite all I could do was rest and keep the glands warm and be miserable for sometime!). When I went to get up to get tea I felt a slight twinge in my right hip I managed to walk around and do a couple of things but then suddenly the pain became so bad that I was unable to pick up a glass off the tea table. I could not even bend slightly to put a cup of tea down in the lounge on the fire for my mother! Even sitting down was an enormous effort filled with extreme pain.
I put BE Relieved on and lay down on the lounge again, however, I was still in great pain. When I tried to get up some time later to go to the bathroom to get the BE Relieved I found that I could not even sit up let alone get off the lounge! After many attempts and with much pain I finally managed this task! This frightened my enormously!!! – I had never been in this much pain before!!! I realised I was in great trouble and that I would have to go back to the chiropractor the next day but not knowing if I could even drive to work and was upset because I am a mad keen racing fan and have my ticket to the Clipsal race here in Adelaide this week and it appeared that I may not be able to go!
As I knew I could not get up if I lay down I decided to spend the night sitting up in a chair in the lounge and watch TVSN! So there I sat, with my trusty bottle of BE Relieved beside me! I kept on applying it on my pulse points in my wrists every 5 minutes or so for about three or four hours as I could feel the gradual reduction in the pain! At first I found it hard to even reach for the bottle on the table beside me, however, after an hour had passed I was able to move more freely in the chair and I could feel my body regaining its strength, and the pain gradually diminishing.
When I fell asleep around 3:30 all I could feel was a small twinge. When I woke up at 6:00 I was able to get out of the chair easily, however, all still with the twinge. I was also able to do all my morning routines without the pain reoccurring. I could even bend down and pick up my two “babies” (Chihuahua’s – named Kia and Chi Chi) and put them on the bed with my mother! I am able to walk much more freely as well! So, here I am at work, albeit a little late, and not worrying about going to the chiropractor. I have my trusty bottle beside me on my desk and I am applying it frequently! The pain is not worsening, it is still diminishing (the “twinge” is getting smaller by the hour), I am able to work and even concentrate when my boss rang with some urgent dictation from Queensland. What a difference in a few short hours!
You are such a gem! If you hadn’t created these wonderful products I simply don’t know how I would have coped! In future I am going to place a small bottle of BE Relieved in strategic and readily accessible places around the house. I always have some at work but I am going to ensure that I always have some with me in my handbag at all times. (Whenever I go to the footy or my motor racing I always ensure that I have it with me even though at the motor racing glass is not allowed I point it out to the security guys and tell them what it is – if they won’t let me through with it then fine – I just won’t go in even though I love my motor racing I and love Balanced Essentials more!) Also I don’t take antihistamines anymore – I use BE Inspired for this purpose too!
Kylie Roberts –
Biddy’s Story Around the 20th May, Biddy turned up with a weeping and injured eye. I took him to one of the local specialist horse vets who prescribed a course of antibiotics and 3 days worth of anti-inflammatory paste. I returned to the vet 3 days later for a check-up. There was still damage to the eyeball but I felt it was getting better. The eye looked as though the cornea was swollen, but I don’t think ruptured at that stage. I then had to go away so I left the horses with my neighbours who continued the antibiotic treatment. When I got back the eye didn’t look infected though it seemed very itchy. It looked OK until about the end of July.
The eye and surround was swollen and the eye was shut most of the time. Biddy was not a happy boy. His coat was also dull. During my visit with you on the 1st August, we spoke about what could be done to help Biddy’s eye. At your suggestion I took a bottle of BE Lite and BE Relieved and let Biddy sniff each one to make a choice. (Over the years the horses and I have a code – standing still when asked a question e.g. Do you want your rugs on? Means yes. Moving away means NO.) Biddy chose BE Lite. So started wiping the oil around the injured eye, at least an inch away from the eye to avoid irritation should I get some oil in it. I did this once a day when feeding the boys. Within the week the eye area swelled and pus and other rubbish weeped freely. His eye was still shut. After about a week I gave Biddy the choice of oils again. He stepped away for BE Relieved, but stood for BE Lite. I decided to combine them ( as you suggested to try.) Biddy stood with his nose in the cup I mixed the oils in. I then used a combination of the 2 oils till 30th August. During this time, more pus and gunge has wept from the eye. Some days he would have his eye half open., then have it closed for the next 3-4 days.
Over the same time the hair around the eye where I gad been wiping the oils fell out and skin layers peeled away. I had been wiping excess oil off my hands onto his foreleg – this area did not lose any hair. So I am assuming the hair loss was associated with infection and toxin release. Where the hair fell out was very hot touch. Bid did’nt lose his appetite at all. I had been supplementing his feed with seaweed meal, ascorbic acid, garlic, dolomite and more recently garlic powder (don’t ask for quantities.) But I had been doing this since the original accident.
Yesterday I offered biddy BE Calm – which he likes, but again he moved away when offered BE Relieved (hurried away like I was going to do something nasty like ride him!) He was very happy with the combination of these 2 oils. (When I checked last night, I realised I had muddle which oil he liked – never mind he probably needs Calm and Relieved instead Calm and BE Lite!). Also his eye is more than half open. The eyeball is cloudy but not cloudy and blue. He still has some inflammation around inside the lower rim and some puffiness, but I suspect he can see out of the eye. And he is a happy horse again. I have also started using BE Relieved on the other horse as I think he has a foot abscess, so we’ll see how that goes. We still have a way to go but I am very pleased about how the oils have made a difference. I haven’t been convinced till now that aromatherapy and essential oils could be so influential.
Sharon Evans –
I have been an avid user of Balanced Essential products for about 4 years, adding to my collection over this time. I love and regularly use BE Lite, BE Lite Body wash, BE Calm and BE Uplifted. I watch you on TVSN and I am always keen to discover new uses for the products. The latest addition to my collection is the miracle in a bottle – BE Relieved.
About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Two weeks ago I had what I call an “attack” (severe stomach spasms and cramps along with hot & cold sweats from the pain which means at least 3 trips to the bathroom over a couple of hours). After my first trip to the bathroom, I gently rubbed BE Relieved on my stomach and after 5 minutes the pain had all but disappeared and there were no more visits to the bathroom that night. Over the years living with this sometimes debilitating syndrome, I have discovered many preventative solutions to IBS but I never dreamed that I could find something that brings “relief” in the midst of an attack. I really thought that it was something that I just had to deal with when it happened. Please pass this feedback onto others who live with this problem – I can’t recommend it enough!
Thank you for your wonderful products. They make a real difference to people’s lives!
Delores Booth –
I would like you to know how much my daughter and I think of your products.
No 1 on our list is BE Relieved, it is a must in our house, it’s wonders never cease, from restless legs to reduction in inflammation, from ears (due mainly to hearing aids) and tooth ache (massaging gently around the area.)
No 2 BE Lite for the Australian wasp sting, almost instant relief. Two massage oils (BE Sensual and BE Vital) marvellous for the face. Your boxes of soap are much appreciated for friends and family, as Christmas and Birthday gifts.
Thank you once again for all your products.
Kath Boonham –
I wrote to you about my wonderful experience with BE Lite and BE Relieved a while back after I had fallen over and hurt my ring finger. I’m sure you probably wouldn’t remember me but my family hasn’t forgotten you or your wonderful products. If my daughters fall over and hurt themselves they ask for the “magic oil” to make wherever they hurt feel better (BE Relieved).
The other use that I have found is the BE Uplifted for ants. I remember at least a year or two ago watching a show on TVSN and it was suggested to wipe the kitchen benches down with BE Uplifted for its anti-bacterial properties.. well it also keeps the ants away! I’m guessing it is the citrus essential oils in it but it works a treat!!! With all the rain that Sydney has finally been having, and my 2 and 5 year old daughters leaving crumbs etc. around the house it has been an invitation for the ants to take over our house – well not any more. I wiped down the benches last night and when I woke up this morning, they were walking around the walls where I hadn’t wiped. No prizes for guessing what I did next! I only used a drop or two (of the pure essential oil blend – not the massage) on a sponge and it works so well. I guess it is like a type of surface spray but without all of the chemicals. I’m loving’ it! Last time you asked me to sign my testimonial. If my permission written on this is enough, then don’t worry about me having to sign it, just let EVERYONE know about how great your products are!
Val Johnson –
I love your products and always buy up big at TVSN. Its been quite a while since I purchased any and am now getting low on my BE Relieved. This and BE Lite are my life savers.
Being postmenopausal I cannot tell you what a gem BE Lite is. It sooths my crampy stomach and calms my irritability. Of course it’s so terrific for bloating too. BE Relieved does wonders for my aching back and stomach too. I have problems with painful heels and just a rub a few times a day keeps be going and gives me lightness of foot as well as putting a smile on my face. I have the occasional migraine and find if I massage BE Relieved all over the top of my head and around the temples the migraine is not as severe. I also massage BE Calm on the back of my neck, this helps with the migraine too.
Thank you so much for your wonderful products without them I would be popping several paracetamol to cope with it all. Take care.
Pat Scott –
I am continually amazed (although by now with all the special results I get from all your products I shouldn’t be), but I have discovered something with BE Lite. I have psoriasis in varying degrees all over my body. I have been using BE Lite on my tummy for a few months now and was delighted to suddenly be aware that the areas I put the BE Lite on were all clear of the psoriasis!!!! The psoriasis was quite bad along the crease line at the lower part of my tummy and it is now ALL GONE.
Thanks again Cheryl for your wonderful products and the special care & thought you put into creating them for us.
Sandra –
BE Lite every morning I no longer get period pain and have lost weight and am now quite regular if you know what I mean. I use BE Relieved and BE Sport daily for an old ankle injury and no longer have to sit out and miss out on gym sessions or walking which I enjoy. I use BE Calm to help me sleep. I use BE Vital 3 times a week for a facial treatment and when I am feeling tired. I only have one more thing to say. Thank you.
Maureen Harris –
I use a lot of be the 4 “special” oils, BE Lite, BE Relieved, BE Sport and BE Vital. My face is like silk since I use BE Vital. All my friends have commented how good it is looking. BE Lite is a miracle! When I first watched the show on TVSN shopping channel I thought that aromatherapy was just burning candles and silly smells but couldn’t really DO anything.
I am 65 and was a bit sceptical BUT I was eating so many, many, many chocolates every night! I was addicted to chocolate! I got to size 16 and was very upset and miserable. Cheryl said BE Lite is good for detoxing – and I needed that badly. I have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and migraines, always getting depressed. I ordered BE Lite massage oil. “What am I doing here?” I thought when I tried it. It was a miracle! BE Uplifted makes me happy, BE Relieved calms me down and helps my medication.
Every day after my shower I applied BE Lite to my waist and thighs. To my surprise “ I was getting a waist” as my mother said! Still eating the chocolate and no exercise: it also helped my restless legs from my medication. Even the doctor said I’m losing weight – prior to this I tried all sorts of over-the-counter medicines for weight – full of caffeine and harmful things. Now I use the BE Lite Body Wash, BE Lite Firming and Toning lotion and BE Lite for Cellulite constantly. Over 3 months I have gone down to a size 14 – 1 dress size. It works! I told the doctor – I felt physically and emotionally better. The smell made me feel really great! I’m down to a 10 now. In 2½ months the doctor who is weighing me can’t believe it. The doctor can’t get over it. Now I’m taking them to him to show him the oils.
With BE Sport rubbed into my temples – 10 minutes later I have no headache. I doubted it myself at first but proved it again and again. Just apply as the bottle says. For restless legs – I use BE Calm underneath and between big toes and rub it on both feet. I also suffer from arthritis. It used to be 10 – 15 minutes to get out of bed; I was so slow from the pain. I got BE Relieved rubbed into my back – in 15 minutes I had no pain at all! My partner rubbed my back one day when I was really desperate and my friend wasn’t around. He grumbled, “If I have to!” So he put BE Relieved on my back. He has really bad arthritis in his hands. 10 minutes later he says incredulously, “My arthritis is gone I’m telling you!” Now he uses it constantly instead of anti-inflammatories.
My mum, who is 87 this year fell out of chair (she has had 2 hip replacements) and got a totally black bruise which came out overnight all over her behind, with a huge haematoma lump in the center. I rubbed lots of BE Sport into it. It was nearly gone 10 days later. Doctor didn’t believe it was gone because of her age and warfarin that she’s on. My friend had an angiogram test and got a big bruise 6 mths ago, still got it. I’m going to give her BE Sport for it. My mum had no circulation in her feet being diabetic. I told her “Let’s give BE Relieved a try.” We got the got circulation back. The doctor says she has good feet now and all the doctors at the diabetes clinic are amazed. The manager is looking at all the oils to help diabetes care. BE oils have taken away headaches, makes you feel good, take weight away, fixes bruises, takes away pain of arthritis and have completely changed my life.
You can trust what Cheryl says: her tips are great. Always try what she says! My Bipolar medicine made me feel down and I wanted to be taken off it – I used BE Inspired and BE Uplifted instead and have been able to give it up totally, to the absolute amazement of my doctor. Brush your teeth with orange and lemon – my teeth were discoloured from medication when young , they are now much whiter! BE is totally amazing stuff and I love it to bits!!!
Cheryl Deol –
I first became aware of Balanced Essentials through TVSN. I had been forced to stop working due to frequent Lupus flares and did not feel that my prescribed medication was beneficial to me. I was becoming frustrated and depressed with the effects of my illness, being inflammation of the joints in particular my left knee which could become the size of a grapefruit or watermelon. These flare-ups could leave me bed bound for up to 5 days.
That was six days ago and I have become an avid regular user of BE Lite and BE Relieved. I find BE Lite of particular use during “flare-ups: for inflammation and BE Relieved for pain. I discovered that placing BE Relieved and BE Lite on the soles of my feet the oils absorbed quicker. I now only take my prescribed pain and inflammation medication (which is less frequent these days) when in extreme pain in conjunction with BE Relieved and BE Lite. I have my illness under control now with the aid of the wonderful Balanced Essentials range, have bought a mountain bike and ride it most days. I would not have been able to do this before Balanced Essentials.
Beverley Anne Ilsley –
I am writing this testimonial to let you know how your wonderful products have helped me to live not exist.
Having had a painful experience with Trigeminal Neuralgia, panic attacks from the pain. I was treated with a cocktail of drugs, which resulted in the surgical removal of my gall bladder. I had a break-down as a final result and was recovering well when I discovered a lump in my right breast which I had removed and underwent chemotherapy. My weight ballooned to 88kg and I was told to lose 10kg at least. To date I have reduced this weight by 14kg with sensible eating and your product BE Lite. I also use BE Relieved and BE Sport for my arthritis which I have in my back and legs. Brighter future.
Julie Jordan –
My last child at the routine 18-week-old ultra sound was diagnosed with kidney reflux, where the kidneys don’t drain. Fluid travels back up and the kidneys enlarge even while the baby is in the womb. After she was born follow-up scans showed the condition was still there. She was treated with medication and antibiotics constantly and she had many problems including urinary tract infections and developed permanent scarring of both kidneys. I was told kidney reflux in children runs in families so I was told my next child would most likely have it.
I’m 20 weeks pregnant at moment. At the 1st scan I was told the baby has the same condition and was told that I would have follow-up scans to monitor the baby. After using Balanced Essentials for 2 years and seeing the benefits of BE Lite on myself, I wondered whether it would impact on the baby, so started applying BE Lite for Cellulite every day, several times per day, top to toe, concentrating on my belly area. 3 weeks later at a follow-up scan I was told all the fluid accumulated in the baby’s kidneys was completely gone and they were working properly. A follow-up scan last week showed kidneys draining and working well! They were very surprised – when the kidneys don’t work well it needs to correct over time or most usually they need to have surgery.
I am convinced that the BE Lite made a big difference. Thank you Cheryl.
Lois Scott –
I have been using your wonderful Oils for 2 years now and am thrilled with the results – skin like silk – circulation in feet – fluid in legs and cellulite in waist magically improved. It’s amazing. I cant thank you enough and now the lymph glands are expelling.
I can’t believe it! I am in my Eighties!! All the best
Heather Levy –
Age spots are lumps with hard, brown and scaly which start like a little mole with a hard crust. I had a large lump on tummy, right in a crease. It was itchy and sore. The doctor gave me cortisone cream that was supposed to get rid of it. At first it shrank a little but then started growing rapidly. I believe the cortisone cream actually fed it!! Then it grew and grew to large thumbnail size and got a hard crust on top with pinhead spots and it kept bleeding and was still sore and itchy.
The doctor said he would cut it out in 2 operations, because it was such a big awful spot in a difficult place in a crease on my tummy. I decided to put BE Lite oil on it to soften the top. The hard crust came off and still it was itchy and bleeding, I kept putting BE Lite on and getting rid of hard crusty top. It was still bleeding, sore and itchy . Now the skin has healed and completely gone back to normal. The skin has a faint blemish shadow where it was.
I can hardly believe it myself. I’m going to put it on my other age spots now and see what happens.
Rachael –
Just though I would drop you a line to let you know how wonderful your product were whilst using them during my pregnancy, well before during and after. I used BE Lite all over my belly hips and thighs each morning. I also used BE Lite on my feet and legs during the day in summer when swelling was becoming a problem. Wow, what a difference it made. Kept the stretch marks away from my belly, and helped control the fluid retention in my feet and legs, it really worked. I used BE Inspired on my neck and chest before going to work, I felt so alive.
I also used BE Sport on my ribs and hips when they become achy during the day, and BE Relieved on my belly, back and hips at night to treat the stretching aches and pains, and help me to sleep at night. I did not have to take any paracetamol or any other medication as a result of using BE, both of pregnancies were identical, but using BE products on my second, made is so much more bearable during the later stages that I want to have another. I still use BE Lite and the Firming and Toning Lotion on my belly hips and thighs, they are looking great for a person who gave birth 12 weeks ago. I am also using BE Inspired in the mornings to keep me going through the day, as I have a 12 week old baby and 3 1/2 year old boy to run around after and I rarely need to have a siesta with them. I also use BE Calm on their feet before they go to bed at night, and sleep so well.
So thank you Cheryl, I love your products so, so much.
I would also like to say that I am so disappointed that you will no longer be associated with TVSN, I always tuned in when I knew you were going to be on, I always learned something new. I informed them of my disappointment also, not only do I think it is their loss I think it is the viewers loss also, especially those who have had BE change their lives.
Keep up the great work.
Shelly Oxlade –
I am just so pleased that I had to email you on a Saturday am very sorry that you are not doing shows on TVSN anymore but business is business & if it was not helping then you have to do what’s best for you & your business. I have been a BE junkie for ages, I think you will remember Cheryl I have Fibromyalgia & my mum has Breast Cancer, she also has Emphysema so she has heaps going for her. Anyway we use the BE Lite for her Lymphodoema in her left arm where she had her breast surgery.
Anyway to try & make a long story short, I bought a bottle of BE Inspired, not sure if it was from you or from TVSN when they were clearing out their stocks. Last night I was a bit congested & felt that I was coming down with a cold, couldn’t find my pink book that you send out to see which oil would be best for me instead of just falling back on BE Relieved for everything & I was looking in my Balanced Essentials cupboard & I saw the BE Inspired & I remembered watching you on a show on TVSN & one of the testimonials was about how easier it made you breathe. So in I go to my Mum and said just try this and see if it helps your breathing at all, so I rubbed in on her back & she rubbed it on her chest. Woke up this morning, went in & asked how she slept (I had forgotten I had put some on her) and she was so happy it was the best night sleep she has had in ages & could not rave about the BE Inspired enough, she breathed so much better just from rubbing a little bit into her body she was so pleased & could not believe how much easier it was for her morning. Firstly I to breathe at night.
Sorry was supposed to be a short email, but I can’t thank you enough, I use the BE Relieved for fibromyalgia, she uses all the BE Lite products for her Lymphodoema & now we will be ordering BE Inspired by the truckload. Only joking because that it the beauty of your products, not only do they work, but you don’t need to use a lot. A little goes a long way.
But I would so like to thank you for BE Inspired, because there is nothing worse that not being able to breathe properly & it is helping her so I am so so grateful. That’s some of the tips that I miss from you being on TVSN, because I remembered that show & finally remembered to use it on her. Now you are not on TVSN I will have to email all my silly questions, I hope that’s okay.
Many, many, many thanks for your wonderful products you have no idea how you have helped this sick household. Bye for now & good health to you & your staff.
Dan and Margaret Larsen –
I would love to win the Balanced Essentials Gift Basket for Mother’s Day.
Balanced Essentials is used in our household every day for the past 6 years. I first started using BE after watching you on TVSN. We use BE Sport, Relieved, Uplifted, Vital, Sensual, Lite, Male and burn the oils every day. In 2003 Dan had shoulder surgery. BE Relieved was used on his shoulder from day one and now the scar is barely noticeable. I had Carpal Tunnel surgery in 2004 and of course BE Relieved was used on my fingers as I had a large dressing on my hand for 5 days.
In 2006 Dan was hospitalised with Viral Encephalitis. His skin was extremely sensitive to touch and his back and neck was very painful. I took BE Relieved into the hospital and used it on his back and neck, patting it on gently as he couldn’t tolerate to be touched. The relief was amazing and rapid. Recently I came out in a heat rash on the inside of my arms. It was very itchy so out came the BE Relieved and the itch was gone in minutes. BE Vital is used on my face every day and BE Lite has been used on my upper arms for about 4 months. The fat dimples have improved out of sight.
Thank you Cheryl for your range of fantastic products. We both love them and don’t know what we would do without them.
Bernadette Cannon –
I have been using BE’s since TVSN first show, that’s a long time now. I am never without them these days. They have and still do, help me tremendously in all areas of my life and my families.
Firstly and most importantly the BE Uplifted still helps me on my journey through life, since the death of my beloved eldest son, Clinton. All the different blends seem to be uplifting and strengthening to me though. I cannot be without your beautiful products. I use BE Lite on my breasts most days, since having a lump removed 3 years ago. I have not had any recurrence. I know this helps greatly getting rid of toxins. Evening BE Relieved on my sore feet (work), morning BE Sport when needed. BE Vital in the evening on my face. BE Lite Body Wash and Lotion are all divine. Incense sticks are very meditative and pleasing. What drew me first to your products was you, yourself, Cheryl. You are a very honest, gentle lady that I related to and trusted. So I gave your products a try. I buy them for gifts, family and friends. Also my 2 grand babies are BE Veterans.
Thank you so much.
Linda Swayne –
I just want you all to know how much I love your products.
I had a bad accident a couple of years back; a cement slab scraped down my leg and caused three-degree burns. I have been suffering with oedema in my left ankle, until I started using your BE Lite, its magic. I also put it on my German shepherd’s ear and it’s actually taking the swelling down. I also have a Doberman, who used to bark all night until I started using BE Calm on him, now he sleeps like a baby and so do I. I could write a book about all your wonderful products, but I really must get this in the post. I use nothing else on my face, except your oils.
Dianne Yazbeck –
Yes’ BE products have changed my life Hi, My name is Dianne I am 40 years old and have 4 children, 16,14, 12 and 1 year old. My fourth child was a complete surprise as we were not planning to have any more children.
The doctors, and I were concerned as I was 38 years old when I fell pregnant and they said, because of my age there was a chance that I may have complications in my pregnancy. I was so upset but decided to keep pregnancy and not do any invasive procedures. Since I had my other children in my twenties with no problems, I was very concerned about how my body would cope, at 38!!. I decided to eat very healthy and use only natural products on my body.
First I started with the BE Lite oil, body wash and lotion. I rubbed on my growing tummy, arms, thighs and buttocks religiously every morning and night, I used body wash in shower and lotion after. My husband rubbed my back with BE Relieved most nights or when I was in pain and I used BE Lite on my ankles (when) they swelled (which was only a few times towards the end). Also I made sure I packed a bottle of BE Relieved in my bag for the labour. Firstly, I had a completely normal pregnancy with no complications at all. I continually got compliments about how I was glowing!!! – I only gained 8kgs through-out the pregnancy and got no stretchmarks what so ever. When I was in labour, BE Relieved was there to help me cope with the pain. When you are older, you don’t cope well with pain as much as when you are younger, I found the BE Relieved on the lower back took the edge off the pain. I had no other pain relief. My beautiful 4.2kg baby girl was born naturally after a 3 hour, straight forward labour, with no stitches.
The most amazing thing was, the way my skin looked after she was born. It was not stretched or flabby at all. It didn’t even look like I’d just given birth. I had NO cellulite on my thighs, arms or bottom (which I did before I was pregnant), in-fact I hadn’t seen my skin look and feel so good ever!! I put it down to the regular use of the BE Lite and Relieved products – they really were amazing in keeping the fluid away and making my skin so soft and firm. I love the BE Lite range and am a living example that they work! I will continue to recommend BE Lite to everyone. Thanks again!!!
Bernadette Cannon –
I have been using BE’s since TVSN first show, that’s a long time now. I am never without them these days. They have and still do, help me tremendously in all areas of my life and my families. Firstly and most importantly the BE Uplifted still helps me on my journey through life, since the death of my beloved eldest son, Clinton. All the different blends seem to be uplifting and strengthening to me though. I cannot be without your beautiful products. I
Use BE Lite on my breasts most days, since having a lump removed 3 years ago. I have not had any recurrence. I know this helps greatly getting rid of toxins. Evening BE Relieved on my sore feet (work), morning BE Sport when needed. BE Vital in the evening on my face. BE Lite Body Wash and Lotion are all divine. Incense sticks are very meditative and pleasing. What drew me first to your products was you, yourself, Cheryl. You are a very honest, gently lady that I related to and trusted. So I gave your products a try. I buy them for gifts, family and friends. Also my 2 grand babies are BE Veterans. Thank you so much, Love, Bernadette Cannon
P.S. Your spirit has touched mine and many others with these beautiful gifts you have created for us all.
P.P.S. Lemon and orange oil are great on the toothbrush, lavender under my pillow. I can’t stop.
Val Johnson –
I had to write and tell you of another wondrous way BE Lite has changed my life. I have those fatty deposits on the back of my hands, knees and inner thighs. These areas had become most unattractive especially my hands that I became uncomfortable showing them in public. I have always massaged BE Lite/Be Lite Lotion into my stomach/abdomen for relief from menopausal symptoms, gall bladder problems and bloating due to an irritable bowel. Wow how BE Lite works wonders in these areas. So when I massaged BE Lite and BE Lite Lotion into my hands I could not believe the results. Within half an hour the change was evident. I now massage my hands with my incredible BE Lite every night while I watch TV. The knees and inner thighs are coming along splendidly too.
Oh Cheryl I have to mention too that Be Lite/BE Lite Lotion is great for keeping my neck in fantastic shape. I am 52 years old and have smoothest silkiest neck I have ever seen on a gal my age. Ha Ha!
Thank you Cheryl for creating such awesome products that smell terrific work miracles and are so affordable.
Marilyn Adams –
I would like to thank you for BE Lite and BE Relieved.
For the last 3 months I have been housebound through ligament damage and fracture to my ankle. This occurred by stepping off a gutter and rolling my ankle. The pain was severe and the swelling was about the size of a grapefruit on the outside of my ankle as well as swelling on the inside of my foot. After a couple of days both my leg and foot showed bruising and apart from struggling to use the bathroom I was completely bedridden. An x-ray confirmed the damage and the doctor prescribed anti inflammatories to reduce the swelling. After reading the side effects I decided not to use them and instead opted to continue using BE Relieved which I had been literally pouring (not rubbing) onto the area from the beginning. This reduced the swelling and the pain.
After consulting with a Physiotherapist to help mobilise the area I felt that progress was too slow and so rang and spoke to Louise who told me to use copious amounts of BE Lite as well as BE Relieved. The improvement I had within 24 hours was incredible. The stiffness in the ankle area subsided allowing me to do the physio exercises a lot easier and after a couple of days I could actually walk around the house with the help of only one crutch. I really thought that this would happen in around another 4 weeks.
Today which is approximately 1 week after starting the intensive use of BE Lite and BE Relieved I am nearly ready to walk unassisted – something I though would be months away. BE Lite and BE Relieved have worked together to enable movement in my ankle by reducing the swelling and inflammation, improve the circulation and overall improved my wellbeing. With only 2 weeks until Christmas and 12 people coming for Christmas Lunch I do not know how to thank you for your wonderful oils.
Thank you so much and I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and continues doing such fine work in the New Year.
Marilyn Adams –
I am writing this to tell you how amazed I was with the effect BE Lite had on wasp stings. I was in the garden and disturbed a nest of paper wasps. I was bitten six times – twice on the chin, through my t-shirt and on my arm and hands. I was in real agony. I ran into the house stripped off and liberally applied BE Lite. Within 10 minutes my back and arms felt better and after a second application of BE Lite to my face the swelling subsided. The pain stopped within 15 minutes. I had used the oils on mozzie bites before but never needed it for bites such as these. It is truly an amazing result in such quick time.
What an essential product to have in the first aid kit.
Judith Stephenson –
Hi Cheryl, Thank you so much for your time today, it truly was appreciated. I will begin with your suggestions immediately. As I mentioned to you, I have been so impressed with Balanced Essentials not only for your excellent products, but it is a joy to discover such wonderful Customer Service as well.
BE Lite is the best solution I have ever found to insect bites … before BE Lite I would suffer for days, now the itching stops within minutes and the redness usually disappears overnight, if I apply BE Lite immediately and follow up a few more times before bed. The bottle is always on the cupboard for easy quick access, particularly in the warmer months. BE Calm also helps my dogs as they can be anxious in the car. The days I forget to rub it on their tummies I know it. They are a problem, I wonder what is wrong with them and realize it is me. I forgot their BE Calm. I will be applying it more liberally to me in the future as you suggested. BE Relieved I love. I always reach for BE Relieved when I have headaches, general aches and pains. I recently realized all the OTC pain medications in my home had expired, by 6 months to a year. I hadn’t needed them, as BE Relieved was doing the job. It is not just humans that can benefit from this wonderful product. My dogs have problems with their knee joints and often their legs cramp if they are too vigorous in play. I now immediately massage their legs with BE Relieved and usually within 5-10 mins they are able to move their legs again. They know the ritual and when I roll them over and open the bottle, rub it on my hands they lie there waiting for the BE Relieved to be massaged. It is so amazing to see their relief and how they are able to stretch and move their legs in such a short time. I confine them for a day or two and continue to use BE Relieved to be sure they are ok, as they are moving normally within a few hours. BE Relieved and glucosamine has made an enormous difference to my dogs. 1 dog hasn’t had a problem with her leg at all in over a year, the Vet recommended she have surgery 3 years ago, as the only solution. BE Relieved has helped avoid surgery and canine medications that can also cause additional health problems. I now always seek the most natural solutions to health problems for my dogs and myself as the 1st option. I have found many problems are solved with natural products when they are as excellent as Balanced Essentials. I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful products and your commitment and compassion and suggestions. I will let you know how I am progressing via email and I look forward to talking with you in the future and finding out more about how your products can assist me in my recovery and ongoing well being and help create a better work environment. My apologies .. for this suggestion, it’s just how I think. When I asked you if some of the other uses for your products were on the website it started me thinking. I have a bad habit of doing this J With technology these days you may be able to video discussions between you and your customers, or provide sessions where you talk about products etc … and have them available for selection and to view via your website. You don’t need to only be on TV or live to provide your information these days as I’m sure you know – your website could provide ongoing communication, be more direct with your customers and under your full control. Maybe even you in the lab – now there is a reason you would have to be in there. Just a thought, in case it hadn’t been brought to your attention before. Again Cheryl, best wishes for your continued success.
Ellena O’Connor –
Hello Everyone, Hope Your All in Good Health & Happy? Ellena here to say from November to March 2008 Iv’e Treated my Both legs for the damage to Muscels & Swelling caused from the” Circulation Booster “I used. I’m Happy to say Legs are now normal & back in shape! Using BE Lite & BE Sport every day . It wasn’t Heart as Doctors said it was. I knew it was the Machine I used & persisted in using the Oil’s as Cheryl Informs us to use them! Also I had a red Rash for 7yrs; now on both legs .1st doctors said it was Vasculitus then they said Colesterol Emboli. Whatever?? the rash remained !. Now Iv’e Noticed the rash has Gone Too!. So I’m sending this to you today as my Daughter was here with Husband talking about his aching pains etc; Then asked me for some BE Relieved & Information on how to use other Oil’s ! Again I Informed them on Cheryl’s Advice how to use them! There’s a Lot More news about Little Troy & Brian 2 weeks ago now. God What A Shock they gave me. My eml’ is long so I’ll put it in my next one to you God Bless You all Keep well.
Jocelyn Nice –
Thank you so very much for your lovely letter explaining the oils and how I can use them also for the attachment on the restless legs. We went to Regal Gardens at Annangrove for our midday meal, it was delicious, but the size of the meals turns you right off. Ted wishes to thank you for your birthday wishes. When you are a believer in anything at all it is easier to sell as you are passionate about telling everybody about it, and this is no exception. You sound ‘for real’ to me, and I am a great believer in alternative medicine, although my husband is a retired medical doctor, he too believes in alternative and conventional medicine, he always said that they work hand in hand. Unfortunately he is getting a little ‘forgetful’ now, has been diagnosed with diabetes and is having very painful knees following two knee replacements, at the same time last January twelve months. He doesn’t exercise but sits all day long doing crossword puzzles or sleeping. At the moment he is rubbing BE Relieved into his knees. I have given him the BE Calm too. You gave us all a little bottle of BE Calm when we visited your place so I have given him that and he can keep it on the table next to his chair.
My pain today would be one of the worse days that I have ever experienced. I am having trouble walking because of the pain in my feet, (now I recall what Mark did for his feet) and my hands are in the stretchy black mittens that go down below the wrists, every joint in my body is paining. Last Saturday my GP wanted me to go onto the patches for pain and I said no. Today I felt tempted to ring her and ask for the prescription, but now I am going to do what I can with the BE essential oils, but I must write to you first. Another thing I had to have were ultrasounds on my wrists on Tuesday afternoon. I have been diagnosed as having tenosynovitis within the flexor tendon sheath within the carpal tunnel. Too much fluid around the tendons, hence the swelling. I see my rheumatologist next Wednesday anyway and I am hoping to reduce the swelling in my wrists before then. You may have seen me on Tuesday sitting in the second front row continually massaging the oils into my hands and wrists, but then again I guess everybody was. By lunchtime I felt that the pain had subsided a tiny bit, but then I thought that the massaging could have helped too. What you have written to me today covers so much of what is wrong with me. BE Lite for Cellulite will be massaged into my tummy for my IBS, which has been a constant worry to me all my life – I am now 68 years of age. Of course I will be using it from head to toe. I also have circulatory problems, my left leg and foot are continually cold. This followed after a small tractor ran over me when I was 18 years of age. I am going to use the oils continually, I will probably have to ring for more oils before too long as I have used them a bit. Then I will be able to give you a testimony and tell you just how they have worked for me/us. The dermatologist wants me to buy body and face cream from him that he gets from the Mayo Clinic as my skin is extremely dry, but I will be using the BE Lite for Cellulite from now on in. I feel as excited as you do about these products. I am a little concerned as to how to prevent the oils from staining the bed linen, but to be free of pain is worth the sheets and nightclothes getting oils on them. I do have trouble rubbing my body with anything because of the pains in my hands, but hopefully they will get relief as well. My muscles go into spasm very easily and I have to take a valium, use a heat pack and lie down. This doesn’t happen often fortunately. I have been hospitalised with diverticulitis and I have sciatica a good deal of the time, especially at night. I have been jumping around a bit in this e-mail, but as you can see I will be using all the BE Balanced Essential Oils that I have in my possession, and will pop out when I need some more, or something different. I am anxious to get started on the oils now and haven’t put into this e-mail what I should have I’m sure.
Mark Bluett –
I was bitten by a wasp on the thumb. Normally I would have a matter of about 30 seconds to do something about it before I get an anaphylactic reaction. I could feel the process starting from the thumb and it was starting through where the little red spot is, and it was working its way into the hand.
Cheryl immediately put BE Relieved and BE Lite on it and that started to relieve the throbbing that was there. The blood system was pumping the venom through but for some reason when she applied the oil the throbbing stopped. Normally you can feel it just going right through your whole body. The throbbing stopped and the funny feeling that I normally get when it starts to hit the heart is usually 30 seconds or so, then I’m on my way out, but for some reason it didn’t. I felt very faint and my chest went very tight but otherwise I didn’t have the same reaction that I normally get from venom. It’s the formalin in the poison that I’m allergic to. European wasps and bees, not the native bee but also green ants as they have formalin in their poison.
Previously I have been to the University Hospital at Westmead to be desensitised under their RUSH program. They injected me with bee venom starting with .001 microgram and then increasing by small increments to build resistance. After the 1st injection I was admitted to intensive care. Subsequently, 5 attempts later and being written up in Australian medical journals as an extreme case, the doctors contacted other specialists in the US to find out what to do. They suggested dosing me with antihistamine and steroid drugs first before injecting, which also failed. They thanked me for attending the class, told me unfortunately I had failed and they were kicking me out of school followed by “Have a nice life and don’t get stung by a bee.” They had damaged my heart with overuse of adrenalin which I am now hypersensitive to. Something in the oils made a huge difference.
I know from previous experience with a friend of ours, called Dorothy, that the oils helped her daughter. She was bitten by a bull ant and she’s as allergic to bull ants as I am to bees and Dorothy managed to get her to the medical centre and she said if she hadn’t put the oils on, she would have lost her.
Lois Scott. –
I did enjoy our little chat on the phone recently. If was very nice to meet you. As I’ve been very unwell with the dreaded skin spots for the last few months and haven’t been using the oils a great deal I haven’t any further comments from the last time, but I can tell you the ongoing effects were remarkable even with little use – no more fluid retention in legs – cellulite reduced (BE Lite) and lymph glands cleaned with no further trouble. So I am very happy. It’s “amazing” so I wish you every success with your great endeavours.
Bernadette Cannon –
I have been using BE’s since TVSN first show, that’s a long time now. I am never without them these days. They have and still do, help me tremendously in all areas of my life and my families.
Firstly and most importantly the BE Uplifted still helps me on my journey through life, since the death of my beloved eldest son, Clinton. All the different blends seem to be uplifting and strengthening to me though. I cannot be without your beautiful products. I use BE Lite on my breasts most days, since having a lump removed 3 years ago. I have not had any recurrence. I know this helps greatly getting rid of toxins. Evening BE Relieved on my sore feet (work), morning BE Sport when needed. BE Vital in the evening on my face. BE Lite Body Wash and Lotion are all divine. Incense sticks are very meditative and pleasing. What drew me first to your products was you, yourself.
Cheryl. You are a very honest, gently lady that I related to and trusted. So I gave your products a try. I buy them for gifts, family and friends. Also my 2 grand babies are BE Veterans.
Linda Swayne –
I just want you all to know how much I love your products.
I had a bad accident a couple of years back; a cement slab scraped down my leg and caused three-degree burns. I have been suffering with oedema in my left ankle, until I started using your BE Lite, its magic. I also put it on my German shepherd’s ear and it’s actually taking the swelling down. I also have a Doberman, who used to bark all night until I started using BE Calm on him, now he sleeps like a baby and so do I. I could write a book about all your wonderful products, but I really must get this in the post. I use nothing else on my face, except your oils.
Dianne Yazbeck –
Yes’ BE products have changed my life Hi, My name is Dianne I am 40 years old and have 4 children, 16, 14, 12 and 1 year old. My fourth child was a complete surprise as we were not planning to have any more children. The doctors, and I were concerned as I was 38 years old when I fell pregnant and they said, because of my age there was a chance that I may have complications in my pregnancy. I was so upset but decided to keep pregnancy and not do any invasive procedures. Since I had my other children in my twenties with no problems, I was very concerned about how my body would cope, at 38!!. I decided to eat very healthy and use only natural products on my body. First I started with the BE Lite oil, body wash and lotion. I rubbed on my growing tummy, arms, thighs and buttocks religiously every morning and night, I used body wash in shower and lotion after. My husband rubbed my back with BE Relieved most nights or when I was in pain and I used BE Lite on my ankles (when) they swelled (which was only a few times towards the end). Also I made sure I packed a bottle of BE Relieved in my bag for the labour. Firstly, I had a completely normal pregnancy with no complications at all. I continually got compliments about how I was glowing!!! – I only gained 8kgs through-out the pregnancy and got no stretchmarks what so ever. When I was in labour, BE Relieved was there to help me cope with the pain. When you are older, you don’t cope well with pain as much as when you are younger, I found the BE Relieved on the lower back took the edge off the pain. I had no other pain relief. My beautiful 4.2kg baby girl was born naturally after a 3 hour, straight forward labour, with no stitches. The most amazing thing was, the way my skin looked after she was born. It was not stretched or flabby at all. It didn’t even look like I’d just given birth. I had NO cellulite on my thighs, arms or bottom (which I did before I was pregnant), in-fact I hadn’t seen my skin look and feel so good ever!! I put it down to the regular use of the BE Lite and Relieved products – they really were amazing in keeping the fluid away and making my skin so soft and firm. I love the BE Lite range and am a living example that they work! I will continue to recommend BE Lite to everyone. Thanks again!!!
Dan and Margaret Larsen –
Balanced Essentials is used in our household every day for the past 6 years. I first started using BE after watching you on TVSN. We use BE Sport, Relieved, Uplifted, Vital, Sensual, Lite, Male and burn the oils every day. In 2003 Dan had shoulder surgery. BE Relieved was used on his shoulder from day one and now the scar is barely noticeable. I had Carpal Tunnel surgery in 2004 and of course BE Relieved was used on my fingers as I had a large dressing on my hand for 5 days. In 2006 Dan was hospitalised with Viral Encephalitis. His skin was extremely sensitive to touch and his back and neck was very painful. I took BE Relieved into the hospital and used it on his back and neck, patting it on gently as he couldn’t tolerate to be touched. The relief was amazing and rapid. Recently I came out in a heat rash on the inside of my arms. It was very itchy so out came the BE Relieved and the itch was gone in minutes. BE Vital is used on my face every day and BE Lite has been used on my upper arms for about 4 months. The fat dimples have improved out of sight. Thank you Cheryl for your range of fantastic products. We both love them and don’t know what we would do without them.
Yvonne Thompson –
Hello Cheryl, I am writing to let you know what a wonderful difference your products have made to my life. I have been a ‘user’ of Balanced Essential products for almost six years. Firstly purchasing when you were on TVSN and now purchasing directly from you. I used to suffer with bad varicose veins, migraine headaches, arthritis, and fluid retention. Whilst I still have these problems I no longer suffer with the debilitating pain associated with them. I use BE Lite for Cellulite every morning on my stomach, hips, thighs and legs, and sometimes also apply BE Lite Firming and Toning Lotion to my legs. I also apply BE Sport to my knees, ankles and hands. This helps with the fluid retention, and painful arthritis. I also use BE Relieved for the pain of migraines by rubbing on my temples and the back of my neck. Just for the sheer luxury and beautiful aroma I also apply BE Sensual to my arms and chest. Every evening before going to bed I apply BE Relieved to my legs and ankles and BE Calm to my feet. I also have one of your electric vaporisers which I constantly use in my home. I wash my face and body with BE Lite body wash. I could not live the active life I lead without your beautiful products. Over the years I have tried all of your products (or most of them). I am 60 years young and work part time. My workmates always comment on the beautiful aroma when I am in the office. I always tell them that not only do the products smell good but that they make a significant difference to my health and well-being. But Cheryl, the best thing is that my husband, who is always sceptical about anything that you don’t get on prescription, tried the BE Male Aftershave that I received in one of the special packages that I purchased a few months ago. He suffered from severe burns to the face many years ago and when he shaved he always had a red, blotchy face. Well not any more. He swears by your product and always lets me know when he is running out so that I can order more. He now also uses BE Relieved for his painful arthritis and says that it works too. We have converted him Cheryl. I also have two little Chihuahuas who used to suffer from very itchy skin. Now when I bath them I put a little BE Calm in the wash water and some drops of lavender in their rinse water, problem solved. (And they smell so good). Once again, thank you for your wonderful products. I am forever grateful.
Sandra Komenza –
Balanced Essentials has changed my life because it has given me a way to improve my everyday life without taking too much time and believe me time is an issue.
I use the BE Relieved and BE Sport to relieve the aches and pains I have accumulated over the years , it allows me to do gym to walk and relieve those aching joints in effect it keeps me going. I use BE Vital when I am feeling tired and when my skin is telling me “I need help” I use BE Lite to keep at bay those horrible times of the month when I feel bloated and was surprised and delighted to find it helped me to lose weight. I use BE Calm when I cannot sleep the world sometimes has a habit to creep into the night and the mind cannot shut down. I use your lovely soaps which do not dry out my skin.
I have said I do not have major health problems but I do have a busy life and thanks to your lovely products I confidently start a day knowing I am in good hands. Sometimes a little help goes a long way I know.
I am a very lucky woman, a healthy family, a job I enjoy and Balanced Essentials to make sure it stays that way
Emily Moore –
It’s joy to be a Mother, Grandmother and Greatgrandmother at the age of 80 years, and still be able to do everything for oneself, with the help of Balanced Essentials.
Some years ago I had both hips replaced but have still had pain, after using BE Relieved the pain disappeared and I get around more freely now, with daily massage of BE. I’ve recently developed a frozen shoulder, which meant I shouldn’t use my right arm, also it was very painful. I had a cortisone injection which eased the pain slightly but didn’t fix the problem. I put my trusty BE Relieved to work and was able to move my arm freely and no more pain, sleep comes easier these days.
I also use BE Lite for Cellulite and have lost weight and feel so much better. I use incense and find them very therapeutic.
“Balanced Essentials are a must in every home, Try them and see they’re on their own.
Val Johnson –
I had to write and tell you of another wondrous way BE Lite has changed my life. I have those fatty deposits on the back of my hands, knees and inner thighs. These areas had become most unattractive especially my hands that I became uncomfortable showing them in public. I have always massaged BE Lite/Be Lite Lotion into my stomach/abdomen for relief from menopausal symptoms, gall bladder problems and bloating due to an irritable bowel. Wow how BE Lite works wonders in these areas. So when I massaged BE Lite and BE Lite Lotion into my hands I could not believe the results. Within half an hour the change was evident. I now massage my hands with my incredible BE Lite every night while I watch TV. The knees and inner thighs are coming along splendidly too.
Oh Cheryl I have to mention too that Be Lite/BE Lite Lotion is great for keeping my neck in fantastic shape. I am 52 years old and have smoothest silkiest neck I have ever seen on a gal my age. Ha Ha! Thank you Cheryl for creating such awesome products that smell terrific work miracles and are so affordable.
Tina Cushman –
You asked me to let you know how I went with Bianca (dog) and her eczema…the BE Lite wash worked wonders, left her coat lovely and shiny, and I rubbed the BE Calm in when she was itchy and restless, and it worked within a few minutes, allowing her to go to sleep, without scratching. Sadly old age has crept up, and she has decided to stop eating…..I am grateful that I have these 2 weeks off, so I can spend quality time with her, until she decides its time to go. At night I have been rubbing the BE Calm on to her tummy, just to help her…. she now just rolls over on to her side for me to put it on.
Judith Stephenson –
BE Lite is the best solution I have ever found to insect bites … before BE Lite I would suffer for days, now the itching stops within minutes and the redness usually disappears overnight, if I apply BE Lite immediately and follow up a few more times before bed. The bottle is always on the cupboard for easy quick access, particularly in the warmer months. BE Calm also helps my dogs as they can be anxious in the car. The days I forget to rub it on their tummies I know it. They are a problem, I wonder what is wrong with them and realize it is me. I forgot their BE Calm. I will be applying it more liberally to me in the future as you suggested.
BE Relieved I love. I always reach for BE Relieved when I have headaches, general aches and pains. I recently realized all the OTC pain medications in my home had expired, by 6 months to a year. I hadn’t needed them, as BE Relieved was doing the job. It is not just humans that can benefit from this wonderful product. My dogs have problems with their knee joints and often their legs cramp if they are too vigorous in play. I now immediately massage their legs with BE Relieved and usually within 5-10 mins they are able to move their legs again. They know the ritual and when I roll them over and open the bottle, rub it on my hands they lie there waiting for the BE Relieved to be massaged. It is so amazing to see their relief and how they are able to stretch and move their legs in such a short time. I confine them for a day or two and continue to use BE Relieved to be sure they are ok, as they are moving normally within a few hours. BE Relieved and glucosamine has made an enormous difference to my dogs. 1 dog hasn’t had a problem with her leg at all in over a year, the Vet recommended she have surgery 3 years ago, as the only solution. BE Relieved has helped avoid surgery and canine medications that can also cause additional health problems. I now always seek the most natural solutions to health problems for my dogs and myself as the 1st option. I have found many problems are solved with natural products when they are as excellent as Balanced Essentials.
I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful products and your commitment and compassion and suggestions. I will let you know how I am progressing via email and I look forward to talking with you in the future and finding out more about how your products can assist me in my recovery and ongoing well being and help create a better work environment. My apologies .. for this suggestion, it’s just how I think. When I asked you if some of the other uses for your products were on the website it started me thinking. I have a bad habit of doing this J With technology these days you may be able to video discussions between you and your customers, or provide sessions where you talk about products etc … and have them available for selection and to view via your website. You don’t need to only be on TV or live to provide your information these days as I’m sure you know – your website could provide ongoing communication, be more direct with your customers and under your full control. Maybe even you in the lab – now there is a reason you would have to be in there. Just a thought, in case it hadn’t been brought to your attention before.
Marilyn Adams –
I would like to thank you for BE Lite and BE Relieved.
For the last 3 months I have been housebound through ligament damage and fracture to my ankle. This occurred by stepping off a gutter and rolling my ankle. The pain was severe and the swelling was about the size of a grapefruit on the outside of my ankle as well as swelling on the inside of my foot. After a couple of days both my leg and foot showed bruising and apart from struggling to use the bathroom I was completely bedridden. An x-ray confirmed the damage and the doctor prescribed anti inflammatories to reduce the swelling.
After reading the side effects I decided not to use them and instead opted to continue using BE Relieved which I had been literally pouring (not rubbing) onto the area from the beginning. This reduced the swelling and the pain. After consulting with a Physiotherapist to help mobilise the area I felt that progress was too slow and so rang and spoke to Louise who told me to use copious amounts of BE Lite as well as BE Relieved. The improvement I had within 24 hours was incredible.The stiffness in the ankle area subsided allowing me to do the physio exercises a lot easier and after a couple of days I could actually walk around the house with the help of only one crutch. I really thought that this would happen in around another 4 weeks.
Today which is approximately 1 week after starting the intensive use of BE Lite and BE Relieved I am nearly ready to walk unassisted – something I though would be months away. BE Lite and BE Relieved have worked together to enable movement in my ankle by reducing the swelling and inflammation, improve the circulation and overall improved my wellbeing. With only 2 weeks until Christmas and 12 people coming for Christmas Lunch I do not know how to thank you for your wonderful oils.
Lindy Elizabeth Winnell –
Balanced Essentials created by Cheryl have been used continuously by my entire family since we first purchased them from TVSN. When nothing else helps the skin (even on the face) BE Vital helped my teenage son for Eczema on his face, that was becoming inflamed and acne like. It does settle and clear the condition. All the BE products are superb. I was damage severely by a well known acne drug which was wrongly prescribed to me due to my allergic condition. And I did not have severe acne. Now after sustaining ‘extreme damage’ (lungs included) I have to be even more careful what I use, NO ARTIFICIAL SYNTHETIC CHEMICAL FRAGRANCE in personal care (& cleaning) and beauty products. They are toxic in all ways and need and should be banned. I use various Australian created products and BE has been in our home now for 10 years (since TVSN introduced me to it).
BE Lite is my favourite, but then again I could not go without BE Relieved and Sport. My teenage sons, now young adults still use BE Relieved for various sporting injuries etc. I always feel safe and my skin (and my body) loves BE Sensual, BE Inspired also on my chest. These BE oils are divine and healing in all ways. Used on the neck/throat, they help the skin, as well as respiratory condition. They assist and support, treat and cure everything they are applied too. P.S: Natural soaps also and bodywash etc *ALL BE PS: again, due to prescribing of that (‘acne drug’) my allergy (to staph mixed bacteria) is extremely worse, and I have lung damage bronchiectasis. If your oils were not pure and perfect (which they are) my body would sense it. I love your products.
Margaret Rose Miller –
I have suffered from childhood earaches that can really be painful. My mother used to warm-up to blood temperature OLIVE OIL and put a few drops and a little cotton wool in the ear-hole. Recently I got an earache and I used BE Lite oil. I put a narrow little teaspoon in a cup of hot water, dried and then put the BE Lite oil on it to warm it up before pouring it into my sore ear. The warmth of the oil brought swift relief and the therapeutic effects of the ingredients cleared-up the infection within a few days (with repeat application). I think this worked better then either BE Sport or BE Relieved. At present I have a slight infection and I have used BE Relieved as I have run out of BE Lite oil (MY FAVOURITE).
Vicki Martin –
I contacted you years ago when you 1st appeared on TVSN with a problem called RSD plus a chronically bad back and you suggested BE Relieved for my back pain and BE Lite for my RSD foot. I want to give you the BIGGEST thank you ever because here we are 5yrs later and I am doing so well all because of your amazing oils. I recently had to move house and I would never have gotten through it all without your oils. I “nagged” my Mother to use them for her problems and after she (like many others) was amazed by the fast relief she received is now (like me) a true advocate and tells anyone who will listen how much they help.
I have just become a Grandmother of a beautiful baby girl and the BE Relieved was the 1st thing my son and daughter in law packed in the Hospital bag to help with the labour. I, after getting Bronchitis every year, have not had even a cold since I have been on your oils, in fact I haven’t caught any of the flu bugs while all around me other people were getting really sick.
Cheryl, I am doing so well now and so are all the people I have told about your oils, so I cannot thank you enough. I seriously could not get by without BE Relieved and BE Lite, I have all of your oils but they are my “heroes” followed by BE Inspired which keeps my chest clear in “flu time”.
Much Love to you, your family and your wonderful team that helps you keep this amazing product on the market helping thousands of people like me.
Louise Smithers –
BE Lite is amazing.
After working with Cheryl and using many of Balanced Essentials products for years and replacing 99% of anything beauty and medicinal in my house with the glorious scents and therapeutic oils, I am still amazed when they prove to be so effective. A friend even commented, “BE is a river!” at my place. They comment on the lovely smell all over my house, and often on me also.
Wanting to revamp my body a bit for summer, I recently dug out a lot of my favourite summer tops and silk skirts. Lo and behold a small drop in weight meant they looked better BUT what was that ugly underhang under my upper arms. Ugh! It did not look good! “What would Cheryl advise?” I thought. So every morning and evening I rubbed BE Lite oil vigorously into the underside and tops of my arms. Only a week later the greater firmness and tone was amazing. You could see the improvement, as the flab didn’t wobble nearly as much. I felt confident wearing all my great summer wardrobe and flabby arms is no longer an issue. All this WITHOUT additional exercise! It seems to give me an all over metabolism boost too. In both mood and physical bounce. The days seemed to have a bigger lift. Apply, apply, apply is all I can say. Even when I think I know how good they are I am still constantly amazed! The only things I would not be without on a desert island! Oils sarong, mascara and a toothbrush!
Ricki Elizabeth Drewry –
I use a range of BE oils, from Relieved, Lite, Uplifted and Calm. They all play an important role in my daily life. To start my working day I use BE Uplifted. It helps to set my mind in a more positive way.
I use BE Relieved to manage pain in my neck and shoulders due to a major fall 8 years ago. The decision to have surgery is no longer necessary.I use BE Lite to detox my body each day and it works like magic.
Finally I end my day with BE Calm. After a warm shower and using BE Calm I have a relaxing and satisfying sleep. Thank you so much for your products. Even our dogs benefit from these oils.
Marian Mayne –
I spoke with you this morning on the phone. To my great surprise it was you yourself answering the phone centre. I was calling about my account that I believed to be wrong from an order that I had received from the April May Newsletter. What a thrill and delight you are. We spoke about what, and when I started to use your product. That I had started when you were first with TVSN. All those many years ago. They have been such a great help to me throughout lots of illness on my part and my family’s. They got me through some of the toughest times of my life. Using them not only benefits me pain wise, but also mentally as well. I’m 65 and a pensioner and live in a drought part of Australia, Moama on the border of NSW and Victoria, so every penny counts now and I indulge whenever I can.
I use BE Relieved the most, everyday for pain relief. Also BE Lite, not for cellulite, but for water retention in my legs and on my tummy. BE Sport for my husband. And I have found that BE Calm has helped heaps when over the last few years, what with my own health issues, I had a few bad years with my mother’s health, cancer, breast, hip operations and shoulder operations, heaps of stuff. BE Relieved helped her at the same time my wonderful husband went through and won prostate cancer, and bad legs with cellulitis infections. BE Relieved and BE Lite to the rescue again. And my darling grandson born 6 months premature I ‘ve used BE Relieved on, he is now two and a half years old and doing wonderfully well. So while all this was going on my father’s dementia went beserk, and so did I. So BE Calm was my answer. I’m telling you all this not for sympathy, and I know we all go through bad times, that at the time there are many more people worse off that have had many more dramas to cope with than myself. But I’m just writing to tell you my story and the wonderful help your product has had with me. So keep up the good work. I spread the news to whoever will listen. I believe in it so much.
Christine Lambert –
Over several years, I have been a daily user of Cheryl’s BE Products. BE Lite – Fluid and Cellulite, BE Inspired – Chest Congestion, BE Calm – for Sleep etc. During a recent coach tour holiday in NSW, I fell ill with pleurisy and thank goodness, I had a bottle of BE Relieved with me. It helped immensely with back and chest pain before and after I located medical attention. I was prescribed very strong antibiotics and with the help of all of my BE oils, I managed to complete the tour and fly home. Then I got thrush over the next weekend so I rang Cheryl who recommended BE Lite – IT WORKED !! Thanks to all at Balanced Essentials from a very relieved, now healthy and grateful customer.
Rochel De Marchi –
Hi Cheryl, hope you are well. We’ve corresponded a couple of times a couple of years ago when I enquired whether it’s safe to use BE Lite during pregnancy. Of course it is! I have a healthy beautiful toddler. I have been using BE for over 10 yrs now and cannot start my day without it! Always receive comments on the gorgeous scent. But for me it is the benefits especially with BE Lite products, BE Sport and Relieved.
BE Lite oil to me is truly a MIRACLE in a bottle. I have very sensitive skin so can’t use any other products. I ran out last month as my order did not come through, upon investigation with your very helpful staff who actually called / kept me informed of investigation as to why my order did not come through though submitted ok on the website. It turned out that my work IE was not compatible version. Anyway all sorted now I order from home!
Thank you and well done for creating something that is unique and delivers what it promises.
Siry Jones –
Thank you for your response – and for your honesty. I look forward to the day you come up with a spectacular concoction for a sunscreen.
Thank you for the delivery of goods (felt like Christmas). I come from a family of 7 and so far, I’ve worked through 4 of my siblings. They are sold on your products. The others will soon follow – not to mention the nieces and nephews after them!
Thank you also for the discounts on the products, it was a pleasant surprise and is testament to your generosity of spirit.
I’ve just started using your Body Wash as a facial cleanser as well as my body. I then put BE Lite for Cellulite on my body and BE Lotion on my face. Vital goes on at night. The results are remarkable. My skin breathed a sigh of relief. My skin feels so much more supple and my skin tone has levelled out. My make up also seems to sit better. Wait till I tell the sisters about this!
To top this all off, we take BE Silver and Gold plus SPORT and RELIEVED, and really, your products have changed and improved our lives.
My particular affinity with BE is that you include crystals in your products which to me, is the piece de resistance as the “shield of protection” I need to fight off the free radicals out there, human or not!
Thanks again!
Anita Sekar –
I have used your products for many years (since they were sold on TVSN) and still love to use them. BE Relieved and BE Lite for Cellulite are fantastic health promoting products. I recently passed on the Sweet Almond Oil to my Mum who calls it her “Miracle Oil” as it only relieved swelling in her hand joints. We both can’t do without these products. Can I request a specials pack with BE Relieved, BE Lite for Cellulite and Sweet Almond oils?
I have also tried your Colloidal Silver and Gold and they are excellent tonics. Thanks so much Cheryl for your wisdom and skill in creating such high quality products. I have a work background in Law but turned to your products after suffering a serious auto-immune condition at the tender age of 28. Am now 41 and can’t manage my physical ailments without the BE products. Using the oils definitely reduces the inflammation and I don’t need to take any meds apart from one Panadol every now and again.
Meg Robbie –
I have used your oils for years now especially the BE Relieved & BE Lite. I have Lupus and pain is just everyday and night for me and these oils rubbed in the hurting areas, give me so much relief. Sometimes I think I would like to sit in a bath of BE Relieved!
Jenny Meffert –
I contacted you about 1 month ago regarding my ankles and legs swelling on long overseas flights and you recommended BE Lite.
I used it going to the US and on the return trip and did not have any problems. What a relief!! Thank you for the advice – I will be using BE Lite a lot more now.
You are welcome to use my testimonial – have also had success for a variety of “conditions” with BE Relieved which is my favourite product.
Kim Todd –
Welcome back….I loved your products and they were my first ever purchase on TVSN over 10 years ago now.
BE Lite is amazing and was especially good after I had my babies to help get rid of excess fluid.
I use BE Calm on both my boys’ feet before bed.
Thank you for such gorgeous oils that actually help.
Josephine Gillan –
Love the BE Lite for Cellulite…great for the scar…looking good….
Sandra Revelly –
I must say thank you for BE Lite, I have found my waist again, can’t live without it.
We use BE Relieved for muscle pain (we love the smell).
I have BE Calm, I use it at bedtime as it helps me to get to sleep. I use it on my feet and also on my wrist so I can smell it while I drift off to sleep. I also have BE Inspired, I find it helps with my asthma and especially in the winter time I use it on my face, I didn’t know about using it for meditation, we will definitely use it.
Narrelle Robins –
Just wanted to share my great relationship with BE Lite for Cellulite. I’ve been using BE Lite on and off for 11 years; most recently not only for cellulite but for fluid retention, tummy bloating, muscle spasms and fertility. It’s amazing, I’ve lost about 2 kgs just by using BE Lite and nothing else. This product is LIFE CHANGING.
Thank you Cheryl, your wonderful products have made my life better. Much love.
Susan Cameron-Hughes –
I sent a message to TVSN but in case they didn’t pass it on to you, just wanted to update you on my dog that hurt his leg on Monday. As we discussed I used the BE Lite as that’s all I have. I applied it 3 times on Monday, once on Tuesday & by Tuesday evening Galloway was jumping up on the couch.
Today, he’s been running around as well as jumping up on the couch & my son!!!!! Normally he’d be on anti-inflammatory tablets for 5 days & still have a bit of a limp but this doesn’t seem to be the case this time.
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me on Monday & thank you for such wonderful products not only for us humans but for our pets.
Sue Plant –
I have been diagnosed with Milroy\’s Syndrome (congenital lymphodema). Will BE Lite help me with this problem?
Thank you so much for that information. I am booked in to a clinic in Brisbane for treatment but it will probably not be for a few months as they are very busy. I want to do as much as possible to contain this problem in the meantime.
I have been massaging BE Lite into my ‘lumpy’ areas for the last couple of nights and find I have to get up to the toilet in the early hours which is unusual for me. I am willing to give anything a try as my sister (19 years older than I am) also has this syndrome and she is now only able to walk very short distances and has very large and tight legs from ankle to thigh.
I will probably try some on her legs too. She has arthritis and now uses (and swears by) BE Relieved. Actually all three of us (sisters) use BE Relieved regularly and wouldn’t be without it
Heather Cooper-Lock –
I watched the show today on TVSN And agree with the other callers
comments on how wonderful you products are. I have been using them for
years and always enjoy listening to the information and helpful tips you
I have used to products to great effect on myself and family and have
bought a bottle for my ageing parent to great effect.
I am flying to China next week to vistis my son and family who live
there. I have never flown out of Australia before but have heard you
mention BE Lite in particular for swelling etc. I wonder if you could
give my any information as to carrying and using the oils on the plane.
Thanking you in anticipation…….also thankyou for the relief that you
have given me and family members.
Thank you Cheryl…that will be a great help….I have BE Lite and BE Calm and will take some BE Sport as I find it really helps when I walk a lot….
By all means use my comments. I forgot to tell you that I have been using the BE Calm on my grandchildren since they were small. If they had trouble settling I would massage their feet with it. Even now, some 5 years later they still ask for the “magic oil” rubbed on their feet. They seemed to calm down straight away and were asleep in no time.