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Will your order BE our 30,000th?

Posted on: March 25th, 2010

Will your next order BE our 30,000th order? We were hoping to reach our 30,000th order towards the end of April so that we could mention this upcoming event in our next issue April/May Newsletter and include a picture of our special GIFT to celebrate this exciting achievement. But it was not to BE. It seems now that within the next day or two this incredible milestone will be reached and someone will benefit and receive our thank you GIFT. We only have time to let you, our valued internet customer, know so that if you needed to place an order you have the opportunity of doing so NOW -...

BE Lady

Posted on: February 4th, 2010

The Face of Balanced Essentials. People have often commented on the picture I use for marketing and wonder how it came to BE. Late in 1997 I attended an art exhibition at the Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery to view a collection of works by environmental artist Garry Duncan. Garry Duncan began painting full-time in 1977 and lives with his family on a property overlooking the Murray River in South Australia’s Riverland. Garry sees his art as a product of the environment without taking from or destroying it. When I met Garry he went as “white as a ghost” – the reason being that a very...

Can a citrus aroma help kids?

Posted on: November 13th, 2009

Can a citrus aroma help kids clean up their room and clean up their act? Using a citrus scented spray, US researchers have discovered participants are dramatically more ethical and charitable in their behaviour towards others. Research conducted by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Illinois showing the smell of a clean and fresh room is sufficient to provoke a subconscious impulse towards fairness. Psychologist and professor, Adam Galinsky who worked on the study claimed, “basically our study shows that morality and cleanliness can go hand in...

Handwashing with soap is best!

Posted on: October 12th, 2008

Soaps and hand washes containing essential oils are advisable as bacteria are unable to become resistant to essential oils. Synthetic soaps and hand washes can make you sick over time, especially if they are antibacterial as they encourage the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. And take care if using hand washes that are designed for use without water. If you leave them on your hands and don't wash them off consider this thought. Where do they go? Remember your skin is the largest organ of your body and is able to absorb and store these chemicals. Clinical trials are finding...

Our World First Research

Posted on: August 29th, 2008

"The Role of Aromatherapy in The Health of the Future". Aromatherapy Use in Pain Management and Cosmetics. Our paper "Pain Management Using Essential Oils And Aromatherapy Validated by Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology," was extremely well received at the 42nd Conference of the Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists in March at The Marriot, Surfer's Paradise. A large number of chemists approached us for more information about medical aromatherapy. This reinforced their thoughts that natural products are in line with consumer driven demand for the future. There is a great need...

Kirlian Photography Can Diagnose Illness

Posted on: May 1st, 2008

Dr Harry Oldfield pioneered Kirlian Photography as a medical research tool in England and abroad. From this he developed a three dimensional method of scanning the body using electrical fields. After discovering that diseased states manifest first in the body's energy fields, he went on to develop methods with which to treat these energy imbalances using Electro-Crystal Therapy. Both Kirlian and MRI systems are able to visualise important cellular and bioenergetic phenomena because they produce frequencies that resonate with the natural cellular and energetic components of the bodies they...
