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How to keep your skin healthy and younger looking without resorting to surgery

Posted on: October 15th, 2014

Massage your face for an anti-aging effect as facial massage relieves tension, promotes relaxation and restores energy to your face and body by increasing circulation. When you first wake up in the morning you may notice that your skin looks puffier and paler than it did the night before. This is because during sleep, circulation is decreased in the body - which means there is less blood flow to the face. Facial massage is a great way to get the blood flowing again and to achieve a healthy glow. Regular facial massages also work to tighten and lift the facial muscles, giving the skin a...

Aromatherapy essential oils for skincare

Posted on: October 10th, 2014

How to keep your skin healthy and younger looking without resorting to surgery. If you are driven by the desire for healthy, great-looking skin, regardless of age and want to achieve healthy and younger skin naturally without resorting to surgery or a lot of expensive creams essential oils might be just the thing for you according to an article in Natural News on 8th October 2014: “They are just as effective as many commercial products and can give you the results you want without spending a ton of money or trying more invasive procedures like Botox.”. Their list of the five best...

Did you know?

Posted on: July 30th, 2014

Plants store essential oils either in external secretory structures, which are found on the surface of the plant, or internal secretory structures, which are found inside the plant material. In plants that have an external secretory structure you just have to lightly touch them and the aroma will be imparted on to your skin whereas in plants with internal secretory structures you may need to break the leaf or seed in order to get to the aroma/essential oil.

Paracetamol is no better than a placebo for lower back pain

Posted on: July 30th, 2014

A study recently published in The Lancet showed no differences in the number of days to recover – in other words there was no benefit from using paracetamol as the first-choice pain killer for lower back pain.  According to Doctor Christopher Williams from the George Institute for Global Health at the University of Sydney “The results suggest we need to reconsider the universal recommendation to provide paracetamol as a first-line treatment for lower back pain.” Why not use BE Relieved or BE Sport to help ease the pain and inflammation of lower back pain?  Essential oils quickly...

What does Colloidal mean?

Posted on: July 30th, 2014

Colloidal is a suspension of finely divided particles in a continuous medium, from which the particles do not settle out rapidly and cannot be readily filtered out. Colloidal SilverSilver has been recorded through history as a natural antibiotic and a preventative and treatment for disease. Ancient Greeks and Romans must have known something because they put silver in their urns to protect themselves and in the middle ages, traditional Chinese medicine used silver to fight infection and disease.  In India’s Ayurvedic medicine silver is prescribed to build strength and...

How to naturally minimise and deal with the symptoms of colds and flu?

Posted on: July 25th, 2014

Healthy eating, exercise, sleep, stress and Vitamin D levels are all factors that should be addressed to keep you well this flu season.  Vitamin D is also known to have a direct immune-modulating effect on CD8 T cells. A study published in 2010 proposed that deprivation of sunlight and vitamin D at higher latitudes worsens CD8 T-cell deficiency. Lack of Vitamin D is responsible for Rickets, a childhood disease which slows long bone growth, Osteomalacia, a bone-thinning disorder which occurs in adults and Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by brittle bones and loss of calcium...

Trust your instincts

Posted on: July 25th, 2014

I know it’s winter when I want to just rug up in front of an open fire, preferably in my favourite pyjamas enjoying a warm hearty meal with a nice glass of red. Perhaps you’re like me;  perhaps we are just being human.  After all if animals can slow down and hibernate during winter why can’t we?   Our ancestors were influenced greatly by the seasons.  In 1900, the British Medical Association published a description of winters among Russian peasants. For centuries, they survived scant winter food by engaging in lotska—sleeping the whole season away. “At the first fall of snow...

Rosemary Essential Oil

Posted on: July 7th, 2014

Researchers have found sniffing this essential oil in advance enables people to remember to do things. Rosemary oil is one of the most popular essential oils for its wide array of health benefits. It has become increasingly important and popular over the years as more of its various health benefits have become understood, including its ability to stimulate hair growth, boost mental activity and relieve respiratory problems. It is used in modern-day herbal medicine as a mild painkiller and for migraines and digestive problems. Rosemary has been extensively used since ancient times for a...

Do you suffer from arthritis?

Posted on: June 26th, 2014

Arthritis is characterised by pain and inflammation. There are several different kinds of arthritis but the 3 most common are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout. They are all forms of joint distress that result in pain and inflammation. Case studies show that aromatherapy is one of the most effective treatments for arthritis through helping us eliminate toxic waste, as well as providing considerable relief from pain and increased mobility. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease in which inflammation (pain, heat and swelling) affects the joints and other organs of the body. The...

What is pine essential oil?

Posted on: June 19th, 2014

What is pine essential oil? Pine essential oil comes from a tall evergreen tree which has a reddish brown, deeply fissured bark.  The part of the plant used is the needles from which the essential oil is extracted by steam distillation. Pine is known for its medicinal actions and it is a valuable remedy for bladder, kdney and rheumatic conditons and diseases of the mucous membrane and respiratory complaints. Hippocrates recommended pine for pulmonary problems and throat infections. Indications: Mind and Spirit Used as an inhalation it is great for general debility and mental fatigue...

Our new skincare range is nearly finished

Posted on: May 22nd, 2014

Our NEW SKINCARE RANGE is nearly finished.  We have sent samples of the Eye Cream and Hand Cream to some of our Customers for their feedback and it's been extremely positive.  Can't wait to launch this as it will be an all natural range based on native Australian extracts and essential oils. I love the new Eye Cream!  It has worked wonders on the dark circles and dry skin around my eyes and the puffiness which was my main problem.  I have very sensitive skin and I’m happy that the Eye Cream doesn’t cause any reaction like some of the products on the market that I’ve used in the...
