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What is pine essential oil?

Posted on: June 19th, 2014

What is pine essential oil? Pine essential oil comes from a tall evergreen tree which has a reddish brown, deeply fissured bark.  The part of the plant used is the needles from which the essential oil is extracted by steam distillation. Pine is known for its medicinal actions and it is a valuable remedy for bladder, kdney and rheumatic conditons and diseases of the mucous membrane and respiratory complaints. Hippocrates recommended pine for pulmonary problems and throat infections. Indications: Mind and Spirit Used as an inhalation it is great for general debility and mental fatigue...

Our new skincare range is nearly finished

Posted on: May 22nd, 2014

Our NEW SKINCARE RANGE is nearly finished.  We have sent samples of the Eye Cream and Hand Cream to some of our Customers for their feedback and it's been extremely positive.  Can't wait to launch this as it will be an all natural range based on native Australian extracts and essential oils. I love the new Eye Cream!  It has worked wonders on the dark circles and dry skin around my eyes and the puffiness which was my main problem.  I have very sensitive skin and I’m happy that the Eye Cream doesn’t cause any reaction like some of the products on the market that I’ve used in the...

Dry skin at this time of the year? Here’s what you can do.

Posted on: May 15th, 2014

During this colder time of year we spend most of our days in warm air-conditioned surroundings and the majority of us will usually notice that are skin feels drier, rougher and more flaky.  Increasing our water intake to minimise dehydration is always a good idea but one of the most important foundations – the very first step – to keeping your skin healthy during these winter months is to use a good quality natural moisturiser which is infused with a blend of pure essential oils.  It will beautifully protect and moisturise your skin leaving it feeling silky smooth with an all-over...

Do you have trouble getting to sleep at night?

Posted on: May 15th, 2014

It is vitally important that we all get enough sleep at night. If we don't we are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, our skin will age faster, concentration will be impaired and we are more prone to put on weight.  And these are just some of the problems that can affect us. There are many factors that should be considered to help you get a restful night's sleep such as:. - Eliminate stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate and alcohol and some over-the-counter medications if these are your triggers.  (Although some people who suffer from ADHD find a stimulant can be...

BE Lite for Cellulite – toxins & fluid

Posted on: April 11th, 2014

BE Lite for Cellulite is detoxifying and diuretic in its actions.  It encourages the body to speed up its process of elimination which is important for health.  Each day we ingest/inhale toxins & chemicals from various sources - food preservatives and chemicals, polluted air, water etc.  Our body from the time we are born tries to maintain homeostasis or balance.  If our ingestion of toxins and chemicals is greater than can be excreted each day our body stores these in the fatty tissues of the body and surrounds it with water to protect it from being excreted too quickly and...

Healing takes many forms

Posted on: March 18th, 2014

Allopathic medicine should be chosen for what it does best: Trauma management, diagnosis and treatment of surgical emergencies, prevention of some infectious diseases by immunization, replacement of hips, knees, and other damaged body parts, reconstructive surgery, diagnosis of hormonal deficiencies. Alternatives should be chosen where allopathic medicine fails: Treatment of viral infections, cures for most chronic degenerative diseases, effective management of many kinds of mental illness, most forms of allergy or autoimmune diseases, management of psychosomatic illnesses, cures for most...

Applying certain essential oils to the ear canal appears to be an effective treatment for ear infections, findings from a study suggest.

Posted on: March 11th, 2014

Topical therapy for ear infections is usually not recommended because most drugs are in a liquid form that cannot penetrate the eardrum to reach the infected middle ear. This can also be true of fungal infections that narrow the ear canal due to debris.  However, studies have shown the vapours from essential oils may be able to diffuse through the eardrum and destroy the microbes present and as some essential oils are also anti-fungal then a combination blend seems to offer the best result. Source Journal of Infectious Diseases, June 1 2005 Dear Cheryl, I have suffered from a...

Certified Organic Essential Oils aren’t always different from Non-Certified

Posted on: August 26th, 2013

The definition of Certified Organic Oils are those cultivated,grown and processed using procedures that are approvedby the certifying body whose symbol appears on the label,and for this you pay a premium price. However, there are 8 certifying standards in Australia alone,with many more throughout the world. As all of these differthere is no guarantee that one certified product will matchthat from another country. Most (if not all) essential oils do not require fertilisers orpesticides, as the herbs are native plants that can grow wildif not grown in “plantations” and the essential oil...

Did you know?

Posted on: August 26th, 2013

Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores that release sweat under your arms -- with the active ingredient mainly being aluminum. This may stop your underarm sweat but it also blocks one of your body’s routes for detoxification and it also raises concern about where these heavy metals and chemicals are going once you roll them (or spray them) on. A review of the common sources of aluminum exposure for humans found that antiperspirant use can significantly increase the amount of aluminum absorbed by your body. According to the review, after a single underarm...

What is Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging?

Posted on: June 28th, 2013

From the paper “The Physiological Basis for Clinical Thermography and the Detection of Infrared Radiation from the Human Body.” By Peter Leando (Ref 11) I quote; “The emissivity of human skin is almost 100% (close to black body emissivity) so the human subject is an ideal subject for thermographic imaging. All thermographic images (thermograms) of the human body depend on the sympathetic control of skin blood-flow.  Only the dermal blood flow changes explain the heat seen on the surface of the body. The heat of a muscle, a joint or a bone is not conducted to the dermal tissues and...
